Lemonade Citron is using a relatively large box to represent tasks in workflow. Azure ML Studio does so, but there are many others (e.g. Knime) that use smaller ones. When designing a large workflow, this became an issue.
Some suggestions:
Evaluate reducing the width (but there is a problem with ports)
Remove the ports (but it will not be clear to a user if something is missing or not nor what must be connected).
For connections, change their color. Tahiti provides different colors for different port interfaces. It could be used to distinguish crossing connections (if they are connecting ports with different interfaces).
Reduce the arrow in connection in order to save space.
Reduce the size of the border for tasks from 2px to 1px.
Instead of having a remove button in each task, allow a user to select a set of tasks and use a delete button in the toolbar.
Lemonade Citron is using a relatively large box to represent tasks in workflow. Azure ML Studio does so, but there are many others (e.g. Knime) that use smaller ones. When designing a large workflow, this became an issue.
Some suggestions: