euc-releases / wsone-sdk-xamarin

Workspace ONE SDK for Xamarin
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Build error on Xamarin.Forms #9

Open MuriJ opened 4 years ago

MuriJ commented 4 years ago

I included your nuget AWSDK package to an existing Xamarin.Forms project and i can't get the project to build, it keeps returning an error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Can't write [\AppData\Local\Temp\brtuf1ag.ts3.jar] (Can't read [\obj\Debug\90\lp\3\jl__referencemultidex-1.0.1.jar(;;;;;;!META-INF/MANIFEST.MF)] (Duplicate zip entry [reference__multidex-1.0.1.jar:android/support/multidex/MultiDex$V14.class])) Project.Android \CREATEMULTIDEXMAINDEXCLASSLIST

I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2019 16.4.5 compileSdkVersion is Android 9.0 minSdkVersion is Android 6.0(API Level 23) targetSdkVersion is Android 9.0

Can your SDK be used in Xamarin.Forms project?

Maddy79 commented 4 years ago

Please add below lines to the Android csproj file.

<Target Name="RemoveExtraMultidex" AfterTargets="_DetermineJavaLibrariesToCompile">
     <_JavaLibrariesToCompileForApp Remove="**\*multidex-1.0.1.jar" />
MuriJ commented 4 years ago

Thanks, i had to change Dex compiler from dx to d8 and now i get past multidex that error, but get a new one:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error Program type already present: org.apache.commons.lang3.AnnotationUtils$1

Maddy79 commented 4 years ago

Did you add the above entry to your csproj?

MuriJ commented 4 years ago

Hi, Yes i did. And i found the problem for org.apache.commons.lang3 and resolved it that was an issue between LinkOS SDK and AWSDK.

But the thing is, i added <_JavaLibrariesToCompileForApp Remove="**\*multidex-1.0.1.jar" /> to my Android project, and if i leave Dex compiler on dx, which is what i had so far, the multidex problem persists. Bu if i change it to d8, multidex problem is gone but i get a bunch of other missing lib errors.

I'm not sure why dx compiler is not removing the multidex?

MuriJ commented 4 years ago

I just can't figure out the way to make this work and i'm wasting way to much time on this. I even created a fresh Xamarin.Forms project and the problem is the same.

Is there any outher way i can implement AppConfig support for Workspace ONE without using SDK?