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This is the workshops results documents: Results of OdyC Workshops Summary #91

Open ubani opened 1 month ago

ubani commented 1 month ago
          This is the workshops results documents: 

Results OdyC Workshops.pdf

Originally posted by @GeoTsoumas in

Results of OdyC Workshops Summary

● Introduction: OdyC DAO hosted three workshops, funded by the European Cardano Community (ECC). Our goal was to educate the Greek general public about the use cases of Blockchain technology in general, with a big focus on the advantages the Cardano Blockchain has to offer. Also, the participants had a chance to network with us and with each other, expanding their network. We believe that this will help to foster growth of Greek Cardano founders, in accordance with the ECC’s blueprints. ● Key takeaways:First of all we noted that much of the Greek general public has little to know knowledge of the use cases and utility blockchain technology has to offer. They were very receptive of our message, with many of them expressing interests in participating in more advanced workshops in the future. ● Recommendations: We noticed that hosting two workshops back to back overall hurts the attendance. Also, a more user-friendly Cardano wallet will be used as part of the workshops’ Cardano onboarding tutorial. Introduction ● Background: The Greek public is interested in blockchain technology. It is also very receptive to Cardano's research based approach, especially because two major Athenian universities are part of IOG’s research program. But, because of lack of awareness and knowledge sources in Greek, many of them had not heard of Cardano before the workshops. Also, they had no prior knowledge about the fundamentals of blockchain technology. ● Objectives: Our workshops’ goals were to educate the attendees about what blockchain technology is, and what it has to offer from an economical and entrepreneurial point of view, and demonstrate how a user can create and use a non custodial wallet to interact with dApps.

Workshop Overview Agenda: You can find the workshops’ program here Speakers/Facilitators: Our team consists of people with backgrounds in teaching, community management, research and content creation. Hence, it is equipped to handle audiences with different backgrounds and levels of crypto knowledge Methodology: We created powerpoints for each topic, focusing on keeping it light and to the point. We incorporated humour to our presentations, to keep attendees interested in a topic they know nothing about. We also engaged the attendees with questions and remarks during the presentation, so they could be actively participating in the process. Participant Engagement ● Attendance: ○ Athens Day 1: 5 people (10 had signed up, we had an unexpectedly high amounts of no shows) ○ Athens Day 2: 10 people ○ Thessaloniki: 13 people ● Attende backgrounds: The attendees had a mixed professional and educational background, including a journalist,a public official working for the Greek securities exchange bureau, an IT security specialist and a Zero Knowledge researcher. It also included some founding members of a highly active DAO, founded on a different blockchain. ● Participation: The attendees were highly engaged in our session, asking multiple questions. This led to higher levels of engagement and more constructive questions during our Q & A at the end of the workshops. ● Feedback: We got very encouraging feedback from the attendees. To state a few interesting ones: ○ The securities exchange person had attended a blockchain introduction course hosted by a tech consultant agency, picked and funded by the Greek securities exchange bureau. They stated that compared to the professional consultant’s presentations, ours were a lot more informative and engaging, leading to a deeper level of understanding. They said that they will recommend future workshops that we will host to their colleagues at the Greek security exchanges bureau.

○ The attenders DAO founders (the other DAO that was mentioned above, not OdyC), stated that the workshop was enjoyable and informative even for crypto-natives. They also stated that it was up to the crypto industry’s professional standards. ○ Overall, the attendees stated that our choice of non custodial wallet was too hard for them. Partially this was expected due to the fact that non custodial wallets are not intuitive for crypto beginners. Going forward, we will pick a different non custodial Cardano wallet to demonstrate, based on its user friendliness. Learning Outcomes ● Knowledge Gains: Overall, the attendees gain a significant amount of knowledge about blockchain technology and its use cases as a whole, and especially Cardano. ● Crypto Perception: The attendees that were crypto beginners had a change in their beliefs about crypto. Due to our real world use cases approach, they saw the value of blockchain technology in everyday life, and stopped thinking about cryptocurrencies only as an investment asset. Impact Assessment ● Short-term Impacts: Around thirty people learned about the ECC’s mission and about the Cardano ecosystem. OdyC DAO formed a closer tie with the attending DAO. Much needed visual and audio material was recorded to be used for social media posts. We also gained a lot of experience in hosting. ● Long-term Impacts: Much work needs to be done in Greece to raise Blockchain and Cardano awareness. We fostered much needed connections with members of the Greek press and securities exchange bureau, which we hope to capitalise on in the future. As a grassroots agent of the Cardano ecosystem in Greece, we aim to leverage said connections to make Greece a native Cardano nation.

ubani commented 1 month ago

Let's see what we can derive from here for our blueprints. Thanks @GeoTsoumas