[ ] add choropleths for various indicators. For FIRs/FABs for map see firs repo and FIR and (sort of) FAB example. (@espinielli, @WilGua , @rqkoelle) M
[ ] ASMA and Taxi-out dataset granularity down to daily M
[ ] FAB data from CSV (see Muriel's SQL/files):
[x] traffic at FIR level (@muriel, @espinielli, @hhegendo) H
(SQL from @hhegendo wrapped in scripts by @espinielli: published in stealth mode just after 201601 release)
[ ] reorganize in separate pages the different sections of References (@espinielli) M
[ ] Definitions
[ ] Datasets
[ ] Methodology
[ ] Entities
[ ] Bibliography
[ ] Start describing methodology with HFE (see proposition in #40)?
[ ] Issue ACE metadata page, see also issues #46 , #47
Look & Feel
[ ] generate and add a word cloud in PRU main page (@espinielli)
[x] new DNS ansperformance.eu
[ ] serve graph files locally rather than from Google Drive. Maybe also see whether we can generate them from the same SQL/scripts in order to avoid duplication/cut&paste/…
[ ] generate the files from SQL:
[ ] Excel (VBA @muriel, other @hhegendo) H
[ ] OR generate csv/graphs for every country instead of Spreadsheets (@espinielli) H
[ ] npm commands to generate CSV files (@espinielli)
[ ] Start to address performance analysis and data provision by FIR (as supported by Kevin): check w/ Kevin and Muriel, we should have all pieces in place but we need to sit down and sort the nasty details out. (@muriel, @hhegendo). See dataset above.
[ ] Include Economic (public) part of ACE (see OneSky site), i.e. data for yearly report (@espinielli, @muriel)
[ ] data download
[ ] graphs
[ ] filtered download (?)
[ ] H Vertical Flight Efficiency: description of results and approach till now. Glimpses to future evolutions. Interactive visualization[s]? (sam, @rqkoelle, @hhegendo)
H = high[er] priority M = medium priority
Look & Feel
/graphs for every country instead of Spreadsheets (@espinielli) HStudies