Add more recent Python versions including development branches and nightly build.
The motivation came from reading brettcannon's article : . Trying to activate the newest Python versions on CI jobs is in most case a win-win situation: if everything works fine, there is nothing to worry about. If an issue is spotted, it is good to know about it to fix it on your side or to open a bug on CPython ( ).
Also, if a failures is spotted, you can use the allow_failures option in your matrix build (more information about this in the link above).
Also, nightly and 3.7-dev may be a bit too recent/unstable so I can remove then if need be.
Add more recent Python versions including development branches and nightly build.
The motivation came from reading brettcannon's article : . Trying to activate the newest Python versions on CI jobs is in most case a win-win situation: if everything works fine, there is nothing to worry about. If an issue is spotted, it is good to know about it to fix it on your side or to open a bug on CPython ( ).
Also, if a failures is spotted, you can use the allow_failures option in your matrix build (more information about this in the link above).
Also, nightly and 3.7-dev may be a bit too recent/unstable so I can remove then if need be.
More information about how this PR happened : .
More information about the various Python versions available on Travis : .
More information about the Python 3.6 version schedule : . More information about the Python 3.7 version schedule : .