eudoxia0 / crane

An ORM for Common Lisp.
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Sqlite3 support #3

Closed lucashpandolfo closed 10 years ago

lucashpandolfo commented 10 years ago

Setup and configuration

CL-USER> (ql:quickload 'crane)
To load "crane":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "crane"
CL-USER> (crane:setup
            (:type :sqlite3
             :name "/tmp/myapp_db.db")))

 (:MAIN (:TYPE :SQLITE3 :NAME "/tmp/myapp_db.db")) :DEBUG NIL)
CL-USER> (crane:connect)
To load "dbd-sqlite3":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "dbd-sqlite3"

Works as expected.

Table creation

CL-USER> (crane:deftable ship ()
           (name :type text :uniquep t)
           (tonnage :type integer))
Query: CREATE TABLE "ship" (    "id" INTEGER INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT,     "tonnage" INTEGER,     "name" TEXT,    CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_nullp" CHECK ("id" IS NOT NULL),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_primaryp" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_name_uniquep" UNIQUE ("name"));

DB Error: near "AUTOINCREMENT": syntax error (Code: ERROR)
   [Condition of type DBI.ERROR:<DBI-PROGRAMMING-ERROR>]

The generated statement:

CREATE TABLE "ship" (    "id" INTEGER INTEGER AUTOINCREMENT,     "tonnage" INTEGER,     "name" TEXT,    CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_nullp" CHECK ("id" IS NOT NULL),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_primaryp" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_name_uniquep" UNIQUE ("name"));

doesn't seem to be valid for sqlite. The next one works fine.

CREATE TABLE "ship" (    "id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,     "tonnage" INTEGER,     "name" TEXT,    CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_nullp" CHECK ("id" IS NOT NULL),  CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_name_uniquep" UNIQUE ("name"));

Another valid statement is

CREATE TABLE "ship" (    "id" INTEGER INTEGER,     "tonnage" INTEGER,     "name" TEXT,    CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_nullp" CHECK ("id" IS NOT NULL),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_id_primaryp" PRIMARY KEY ("id"),     CONSTRAINT "crane_ship_name_uniquep" UNIQUE ("name"));

But it is not autoincremental. The AUTOINCREMENT part is enforced for INTEGER PRIMARY KEY rows (just one INTEGER).

Object creation


(let ((instance (crane:create 'ship :name "Dalliance"
                              :tonnage 77)))
  ;; FIXME: It's back luck to rename a ship
  (setf (name instance) "Serenity")
  ;; Expand the cargo hold
  (incf (tonnage instance) 25)
  ;; Save these changes!
  (crane:save instance)
  ;; Time to retire
  (crane:del instance))

DB Error: near "RETURNING": syntax error (Code: ERROR)
   [Condition of type DBI.ERROR:<DBI-PROGRAMMING-ERROR>]

The RETURNING keyword is not valid for sqlite3. To get the id value the last_insert_rowid() function can be used.

 SELECT last_insert_rowid();

or something like

(let ((sxql:*QUOTE-CHARACTER* nil))
  (query (select :|last_insert_rowid()|)))

So if i modify create%

(defmacro create% (obj)
  `(let* ((obj ,obj)
          (table-name (table-name (class-of obj)))
           (progn (query (sxql:insert-into
                           (apply #'sxql.clause:make-clause
                                  (cons :set=
                                        (make-set obj)))
                                        ;(sxql:make-op :returning :id)
                   (db (class-of obj)))
                  (let ((sxql:*QUOTE-CHARACTER* nil))
                    (query (sxql:select :|last_insert_rowid()|)))))
          (id (getf (first results) :|last_insert_rowid()|)))
     ;; Query its ID
     (setf (,(intern "ID" *package*) obj) id)

Then create works as "expected" (works for sqlite3, breaks everything else).

CL-USER> (describe (crane:create 'ship :name "Ship1" :tonnage 1))

#<SHIP {1003CB03A3}>

Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
  ID       = 1
  TONNAGE  = 1
  NAME     = "Ship1"
; No value
CL-USER> (describe (crane:create 'ship :name "Ship2" :tonnage 2))

#<SHIP {10050B06F3}>

Slots with :INSTANCE allocation:
  ID       = 2
  TONNAGE  = 2
  NAME     = "Ship2"
; No value


CL-USER> (crane:filter 'ship)

There is no applicable method for the generic function
when called with arguments
  ("Ship1" TEXT).
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]

But then, i think this is an error in the manual/main page, as inflate seems to be implemented for STRING, not TEXT.

CL-USER> (crane:deftable ship ()
           (name :type string :uniquep t)
           (tonnage :type integer))
CL-USER> (crane:filter 'ship)

(#<SHIP {10068CB013}> #<SHIP {10068CBED3}>)


eudoxia0 commented 10 years ago

Thank you for reporting this. I currently only test on PostgreSQL because Crane doesn't support migrations for SQLite3 yet and I'm not familiar with MySQL. I'll poke around and see how I can integrate these changes without breaking much.

lucashpandolfo commented 10 years ago

Ok, thanks. It's working now. The only remaining issue is the same as So this one can be closed.

eudoxia0 commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the feedback, and also for the code, which saved me a lot of trial and error.