eudoxia0 / lucerne

A web framework for Common Lisp, built on Clack
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Test suite does not run on CCL 1.10 #14

Open wnortje opened 8 years ago

wnortje commented 8 years ago

I tried running the test suite on CCL because I can't get sub-apps to work. The tests do not run.

Bad interval for sequence operation on NIL : start = 6, end = 0
   [Condition of type SIMPLE-ERROR]
(ql:quickload :lucerne-test :verbose t)
To load "lucerne-test":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "lucerne-test"
Running test suite BASIC
 Running test CLACK-ERRORS 
;Compiler warnings :
;   In %INNER-TEST-CLACK-ERRORS: Unused lexical variable &REST
To load "clack-handler-hunchentoot":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "clack-handler-hunchentoot"

Hunchentoot server is started.
Listening on localhost:4545.

The tests pass when I run them on SBCL