eugene-khyst / postgresql-event-sourcing

A reference implementation of an event-sourced system that uses PostgreSQL as an event store built with Spring Boot. Fork the repository and use it as a template for your projects. Or clone the repository and run end-to-end tests to see how everything works together.
Apache License 2.0
972 stars 83 forks source link

Still can not image how Read Model can be implement from Order Projection #13

Open nb150301 opened 2 weeks ago

nb150301 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, Your template was very helpful in illustrating how event sourcing works in an order life cycle. Could you provide some examples using code or explain how a List can function as a projector in real life scenarios?

eugene-khyst commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @nb150301, Could you please provide more details? What are the items of this List? What is the domain or use case?