eugene-tarassov / vivado-risc-v

Xilinx Vivado block designs for FPGA RISC-V SoC running Debian Linux distro
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What is the correct workflow for 'modding the design' (adding new peripheral) #228

Closed cassebas closed 1 month ago

cassebas commented 1 month ago

Hi Eugene, I tried to add my own IP by following the instructions under 'Modding the design (optional): adding a peripheral device'. I first generated a normal bitstream of the Rocket64b2l2 config. Then I opened Vivado with

make CONFIG=rocket64b2l2 BOARD=genesys2 vivado-gui

I added my IP to the block design, validated it and synthesized it. Vivado seems happy. Then I closed Vivado and modified important sources, like e.g. the board tcl files to create pins for the new IP block and connect it all.

Finally, I run make CONFIG=rocket64b2l2 BOARD=genesys2 bitstream

Unfortunately, I first get this error: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /home/caspar/local/git/vivado-risc-v/workspace/rocket64b2l2/system-genesys2/RocketSystem.fir So I removed this file and ran the make command again.

Now a new error pops up: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException: /home/caspar/local/git/vivado-risc-v/workspace/rocket64b2l2/system-genesys2/RocketSystem.anno.json Again I remove this file (oops), perhaps I shouldn't have because now I get: Exception in thread "main" firrtl.annotations.AnnotationFileNotFoundException: Annotation file /home/caspar/local/git/vivado-risc-v/workspace/rocket64b2l2/system-genesys2/RocketSystem.anno.json not found!

Do you know why these errors appear and what I'm doing wrong? I think I cannot simply remove the workspace/rocket64b2l2 directory, because then I will loose my Vivado work I think?

Thanks again!

eugene-tarassov commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure why sbt now throws java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException. As workaround, run rm -rf workspace/rocket64b2l2/system-genesys2. This will keep Vivado files, which are stored in workspace/rocket64b2l2/vivado-genesys2-riscv.

cassebas commented 1 month ago

Yes, that worked. My custom IP works now.

Would it be sensible/possible to put the Vivado modifications in git? That would allow me to get back to a certain version using Git, instead of manually making edits in Vivado again.

eugene-tarassov commented 1 month ago

Would it be sensible/possible to put the Vivado modifications in git?

Yes. When you modify a design, Vivado shows all modifications as Tcl commands in the Tcl Console view. Save these commands in a file and put the file into git. Alternatively, you can save whole design as a script using write_bd_tcl command.