Sorry to ask this kind of basic questions.. I am a newbie in FPGA, so I do not know a lot of FPGAs. As you mentioned in the previous issue, kc705 fan activates their fan automatically. I am also curious if genesys2 is the same as kc705 or we need to do something else manually to activate the fan. Thanks in advance.
Genesys2 fan automatically starts at 60C and stops at 50C.
You can modify these settings in the Vivado GUI, look for IO / XADC Wizard in the Block Design view.
Sorry to ask this kind of basic questions.. I am a newbie in FPGA, so I do not know a lot of FPGAs. As you mentioned in the previous issue, kc705 fan activates their fan automatically. I am also curious if genesys2 is the same as kc705 or we need to do something else manually to activate the fan. Thanks in advance.