eugenelepekhin / LogicCircuit

LogicCircuit – is free, open source educational software for designing and simulating digital logic circuits.
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n-bit Primitives #5

Open coldacid opened 2 years ago

coldacid commented 2 years ago

For the logical primitives it would be very helpful if instead of being restricted to 1-bit inputs and outputs that they be n-bit so that as long as all wires connecting into primitive have the same width, the primitive will work. For example, if I connect two four-bit wires into an AND primitive, the output will also be four bits, with the expected result that 1010 AND 0110 would be 0010.

This would obviously not apply to the RAM and ROM primitives, and probably not for the tri-state primitives either.

eugenelepekhin commented 2 years ago

You can actually create such AND yourself via menu Circuit/New Logical Circuit.

coldacid commented 2 years ago

No we can't. We can create logic operators for any particular bit width, but that is not what is requested here. What's requested here is logic primitives of generic bit width rather than 1-bit primitives and the need to manually create operators for any other particular size.