eugeneration / HappyIslandDesigner
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Add Map Templates #59

Open eugeneration opened 4 years ago

eugeneration commented 4 years ago

Many people have been kind enough to share their map templates - Add them to a UI to allow people to start from an island that most closely resembles their island

hlangley87 commented 4 years ago

I'd like to contribute my app please 15909680355674263379086376018662

Resolmee commented 4 years ago

I'd like to contribute my Map as well. 2020052819371400-02CB906EA538A35643C1E1484C4B947D

lettesplay commented 4 years ago

My first contribution of my current HappyIslandDesigner_1591019808296 starter map

felixDulys commented 4 years ago


Hey there! Here is my island and I haven't seen it anywhere yet.

pjhaan commented 4 years ago

My original island layout image

Small-Ku commented 4 years ago

I'd like to contribute my map too. I didn't see it in the editor and it also not one of the 24 maps. HappyIslandDesigner_1591075927525 Also my original screenshot is here: EZep1z1U4AAPZTB-orig

froppybaby commented 4 years ago

Haven't seen my starting map either! Sorry I messed up posting this, I am new to GitHub :-) IMG_9496 HappyIslandDesigner_1591111570816

magnus195 commented 4 years ago


ashleygilbert92 commented 4 years ago


korikotea commented 4 years ago

contributing since did not see this map on top photo 2FD65FA1-88FD-4966-813F-514E79A474A3 Tried my best

allyvally commented 4 years ago

Here's my map. HappyIslandDesigner_1591903150599

8earth commented 4 years ago

Here's my map. Ea2FGh_UcAA8Aj6

Illuminature62 commented 4 years ago

Here's my island map. I did my best to copy it over


MacManiac357 commented 4 years ago

is there a log of all received maps or all missing maps? id like to start creating any that are missing

ibromberg commented 4 years ago

Made this map! I've seen it on a number of other islands but not in this maker. image

rissajeanne commented 4 years ago

Here's another starting map:

Screenshot 2020-06-25 17 33 39
secangel commented 4 years ago

My map here, very close to (I wish I could have seen this work earlier) HappyIslandDesigner_1593445616385 Thanks again for the great tool!

tastyfishistasty commented 4 years ago

Here's my best attempt at my island, it looks very similar to some of the other's but I hope it might help still! HappyIslandDesigner_1593474209828

bluejaypacce commented 4 years ago

Sharing my map! I don't know if someone already posted a similar one but anyway, here's my attempt. HappyIslandDesigner_1593492469522

sssssks commented 4 years ago

Sharing my map:) HappyIslandDesigner_1593570473934

mimillig commented 4 years ago

here's our east outlet map. we've done some terraforming so it's not exactly the way it was originally but should be close HappyIslandDesigner_1594571028467

Lunafeather commented 4 years ago

It looks like someone up thread posted a screenshot of their game with an island design almost identical to mine, but here's the map made in the designer:


klelkin commented 4 years ago

I'd love to contribute my map! not sure how to trace it :)


hsinyinfu commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'd like to contribute my map.


This is how my starting map looks like:


And here is the map data outputing in the browser console.

dangochain commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is mine starting map, which is not one of the 24 you needed, but I really hope you could include this one. Thank you for the hard work! Map: HappyIslandDesigner_1597653944145

Original screenshot: 微信图片_20200817131722

code: codes.txt

fanleewww commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'd like to contribute my map. Thank you so much. :) HappyIslandDesigner_1598335429133

The original looks like: IMG_7484

aoliver8797 commented 4 years ago


aoliver8797 commented 4 years ago

@ipv6freely if you want to have your exact starting map, you can use the new upload screenshot feature to trace over your map. These templates will be helpful for people who don't want to take the time to trace over their map. I can also see the template UI eventually being a place to showcase islands that people can use as inspiration or a starting point

How do we use the trace tool? I can't find it

tiptoehappiness commented 4 years ago


EdesRozsa commented 4 years ago


This is my island, not shown in your menu at startup. It's extremely similar to the one in the comment above by tiptoehappiness, but tiptoe didn't include Redd's beach, town hall, or second and third tier lands. My rocks are slightly different, too. I've very carefully plotted the rocks and sand, from a reference shot taken before terraforming.

I do want to note --three-- one minor --inaccuracies--inaccuracy: --A6: there is a triangle of third tier land in a rock -- no matter what I do, I can't make that triangle become rock. I've tried making that all 3rd tier, then 2nd tier, then 1st tier, then rock, I've tried just clicking rock a billion times, I've tried sand then rock, I tried water then rock.-- Corrected by loading my image as a map, then editing as desired. --B7: There is a triangle of second tier land sticking out the side of the actual 2nd tier land. Same problem with the triangle in A6.-- Same correction method as above.

For approximate reference, here is a screenshot that we took after minimal terraforming, but it's not the one I used for reference for making the map. We accidentally deleted the one that I used for reference... :/


kneekna commented 4 years ago

HappyIslandDesigner_1602697850760 island map

CaryaBlack commented 4 years ago

Just finished my map since it was not in the ones provided ;) Hope it will be of use. HappyIslandDesigner_1604828226482

NayNay-PM commented 4 years ago

Hi, everyone. I have yet to see my map. So I am posting on here. I've seen one close enough but the RS is way off.


huntsfromshadow commented 4 years ago

My Starting Map for the list.


And the Map Data


JustJack4077 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I would like to contribute an island layout for the East and South river design. P.S. It is not perfect. Credit @GamingChibix On twitter Screenshot 2020-11-23 at 3 23 00 PM

NC2887 commented 4 years ago


LyingPeaches commented 3 years ago

HappyIslandDesigner_1607556076937 this is my map but i took down all the terrain so i dont remember how the rivers were. this is not in one of the 24 listed maps, i was looking specifically for the little peninsula on the top left and the pier on the bottom right. IMG_2951

sofiasantosgit commented 3 years ago

My contribution for the south maps.

island map

cmarcario commented 3 years ago

Another South map! Thanks :) staterMapSouth

yingki0925 commented 3 years ago


jiayiaaaaaaaa commented 3 years ago

, I'd like to share my starting map


Aleks-28 commented 3 years ago

Hi! Here is my contribution: HappyIslandDesigner_1610903248788

Map data: {"version":1,"objects":{"amenities_airport":[28,84],"amenities_townhallSprite":[37,62]},"drawing":{"sand":[[5,9,6,8,8,8,9,9,9,11,10,11,11,10,15,10,16,11,16,13,17,13,18,12,21,12,22,11,26,11,27,12,28,11,30,11,31,12,32,12,32,13,34,13,34,12,35,11,36,11,37,12,38,11,39,11,41,13,42,13,43,12,46,12,47,13,48,13,48,10,49,9,52,9,53,10,52,11,53,12,54,12,55,11,56,12,58,12,59,11,63,11,63,12,64,13,64,12,65,11,65,9,66,8,67,8,68,7,74,7,75,8,75,9,77,9,80,12,86,12,87,11,88,12,90,12,91,11,92,11,93,10,95,10,95,11,96,12,96,13,97,12,96,11,97,10,100,10,101,11,102,11,102,10,103,9,106,9,106,12,107,12,107,18,106,19,106,20,107,21,108,21,110,23,110,24,109,25,109,27,108,28,107,28,106,29,106,30,107,31,107,33,104,36,104,39,106,41,106,44,107,45,107,50,105,52,105,54,104,55,104,59,106,61,106,62,107,63,107,65,108,66,108,69,107,70,107,74,108,75,108,77,107,78,107,87,106,88,105,88,103,90,100,90,100,91,99,92,98,92,97,93,95,93,94,94,93,94,92,95,90,95,89,94,88,94,87,95,83,95,81,93,76,93,75,92,75,89,74,88,74,76,72,74,72,73,71,72,70,72,68,70,66,70,64,68,64,67,63,66,63,61,64,60,64,59,66,57,66,48,64,46,62,46,60,44,59,44,57,42,57,41,58,40,58,32,57,31,57,29,55,27,54,27,52,25,52,21,51,20,51,19,48,16,42,16,41,17,41,18,39,16,37,18,36,18,36,17,35,18,35,19,37,21,38,21,39,20,41,20,42,19,43,19,44,20,47,20,49,22,49,26,50,27,50,28,52,30,53,30,54,31,54,41,52,43,48,43,45,46,45,48,44,49,40,49,39,50,34,50,33,49,24,49,22,47,22,43,20,41,20,40,19,39,13,39,12,38,7,38,7,37,6,37,5,36,5,31,6,30,6,28,5,27,5,26,3,26,1,24,1,20,2,19,3,19,4,18,5,18],[70,85,68,87,69,87,68,88,68,91,66,93,62,93,61,94,60,94,59,95,55,95,54,94,52,94,51,93,47,93,42,88,38,88,37,87,37,93,35,93,34,92,26,92,26,86,25,86,24,87,23,87,17,93,15,93,14,94,11,94,10,93,7,93,5,91,5,87,6,86,6,82,5,81,5,78,3,76,2,76,1,75,1,69,2,68,1,67,2,66,6,66,5,65,5,63,4,62,4,59,5,58,5,55,6,54,6,50,5,49,5,44,7,42,16,42,18,44,18,45,19,46,19,50,21,52,23,52,24,53,30,53,32,55,33,55,34,54,42,54,43,53,46,53,48,51,48,48,49,47,53,47,54,46,56,46,57,47,58,47,60,49,61,49,62,50,62,55,60,57,60,59,59,60,59,67,60,68,60,69,65,74,67,74,70,77],[36,46,37,46,38,45,38,41,36,39,34,39,33,40,33,41,34,42,34,44],[88,53,87,52,87,51,85,51,84,52,84,53,83,54,83,55,84,56,84,57,85,58,86,58,88,56]],"level1":[[90,13,90,12,92,12,92,13,98,13,98,14,99,15,99,17,100,18,100,20,99,21,99,24,101,26,101,28,99,30,99,33,100,34,100,35,101,36,101,41,100,42,100,46,99,47,99,53,100,54,100,56,101,57,101,60,100,61,100,62,99,63,99,66,100,67,100,69,99,70,99,72,100,73,100,78,99,79,99,81,97,83,94,83,93,84,90,84,88,86,84,86,81,83,77,83,76,84,74,84,74,76,72,74,72,73,71,72,70,72,68,70,66,70,64,68,64,67,63,66,63,61,64,60,64,59,66,57,66,48,64,46,62,46,60,44,59,44,57,42,57,41,58,40,58,32,57,31,57,29,55,27,54,27,52,25,52,21,51,20,51,19,48,16,42,16,41,17,41,18,39,16,37,18,36,18,36,17,35,18,35,19,37,21,38,21,39,20,41,20,42,19,43,19,44,20,47,20,49,22,49,26,50,27,50,28,52,30,53,30,54,31,54,41,52,43,48,43,45,46,45,48,44,49,40,49,39,50,34,50,33,49,24,49,22,47,22,43,20,41,20,40,19,39,13,39,12,38,12,36,13,35,13,30,12,29,12,28,11,27,11,26,9,24,7,24,7,25,6,26,3,26,1,24,1,20,2,19,3,19,4,18,6,18,7,19,8,19,9,20,11,20,13,18,13,14,14,13],[70,84,67,84,66,83,63,83,62,84,61,84,60,85,57,85,56,86,53,86,52,85,51,85,49,83,14,83,13,82,13,62,12,61,12,57,13,56,13,53,12,52,12,50,13,49,13,44,12,43,12,42,16,42,18,44,18,45,19,46,19,50,21,52,23,52,24,53,30,53,32,55,33,55,34,54,42,54,43,53,46,53,48,51,48,48,49,47,53,47,54,46,56,46,57,47,58,47,60,49,61,49,62,50,62,55,60,57,60,59,59,60,59,67,60,68,60,69,65,74,67,74,70,77],[36,46,37,46,38,45,38,41,36,39,34,39,33,40,33,41,34,42,34,44],[88,53,87,52,87,51,85,51,84,52,84,53,83,54,83,55,84,56,84,57,85,58,86,58,88,56]],"level2":[[90,12,92,12,92,13,91,13,91,22,90,22,90,23,89,23,89,29,86,32,86,33,85,34,84,34,83,33,77,33,74,36,69,36,66,39,63,39,62,38,58,38,58,32,57,31,57,29,55,27,54,27,52,25,52,21,51,20,51,19,48,16,42,16,41,17,41,18,39,16,37,18,36,18,36,17,35,18,35,19,37,21,38,21,39,20,41,20,42,19,43,19,44,20,47,20,49,22,49,26,50,27,50,28,52,30,53,30,54,31,54,38,48,38,45,35,42,35,41,34,41,33,40,32,40,31,35,31,35,32,34,33,31,33,31,34,30,35,23,35,21,33,18,33,17,32,15,32,13,30,13,28,14,27,14,25,13,24,13,18,14,17,14,16,17,13,90,13],[75,52,75,49,78,46,78,43,81,40,92,40,93,41,93,43,98,43,99,44,99,48,97,50,99,52,99,56,98,56,97,57,94,57,92,59,89,59,89,60,88,61,87,61,86,62,85,62,84,61,81,61,76,56,76,53],[88,56,88,53,87,52,87,51,85,51,84,52,84,53,83,54,83,55,84,56,84,57,85,58,86,58]],"level3":[[90,13,90,12,92,12,92,13],[24,14,44,14,45,15,45,16,42,16,41,17,41,18,39,16,37,18,36,18,36,17,35,18,35,19,37,21,38,21,39,20,41,20,42,19,43,19,44,20,45,20,45,22,44,22,43,23,42,23,41,24,41,25,40,26,39,26,38,25,35,25,34,24,32,24,31,25,28,25,27,24,27,23,26,23,25,22,23,22,22,21,22,19,23,18,23,15],[70,14,89,14,90,15,90,21,89,21,89,22,88,22,87,23,81,23,80,22,79,22,78,23,74,23,73,22,72,22,70,20,70,19,69,18,69,15],[90,51,90,47,92,45,92,44,93,43,94,44,98,44,98,48,96,50,97,51,97,52,98,52,98,55,97,56,92,56,91,55,91,52]],"rock":[[8,14,7,13,6,13,5,12,5,9,6,8,8,8,9,9,9,11,10,11,11,10,15,10,16,11,16,13,14,13,13,14,13,16,12,1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amily916 commented 3 years ago

Hi!! here is my contribute: WechatIMG2

kevinschillie commented 3 years ago

Hi! I want to contribute my map as well (this is a starting map, i have not done any terraforming). This is for a northern hemisphere map btw:) HappyIslandDesigner_1611377822605

akashrpatel commented 3 years ago


Shona1984 commented 3 years ago

Different Version of F3 My Map

And here the InGame Map. The Code on the Map is my Dream World, so you can look on your own ;) Ingame Map

duckiesgogrr commented 3 years ago


SpyroShade commented 3 years ago

Please help! I’ve tried so many times to get it right by I just can’t, please for the love of Tom Nook, help me! (Ignore the Mario in the corner lol) C7E898F6-2374-4E33-9256-89A6592ED887

SpyroShade commented 3 years ago

Please help! I’ve tried so many times to get it right by I just can’t, please for the love of Tom Nook, help me! (Ignore the Mario in the corner lol) C7E898F6-2374-4E33-9256-89A6592ED887

E39A0817-1E4E-4883-8C6B-9A3310EBF7FB Here’s another pic of it for reference!

SpyroShade commented 3 years ago

Haha fuck all of you for not helping me, bastards 🖕😁🖕