eugenetree / prisma-generator-omit-extra-fields

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Great Plugin but.. mongodb #3

Open Nik-Novak opened 6 months ago

Nik-Novak commented 6 months ago

I love the concept, honestly it's severely needed.

This doesn't seem to be able to support mongodb schemas with composite types.

Nik-Novak commented 6 months ago
  return prisma.$extends({
      $allOperations({ model, operation, args, query }) {
        /* your custom logic for modifying all Prisma Client operations here */
        return query(args)
    model: {
          valueToPolish:Prisma.Args<T, 'create'>['data'], //corresponding model input type
          schemaName = Prisma.getExtensionContext(this).$name
        ) :Prisma.Result<T, undefined, 'findFirst'>/* corresponding model return type */ {
          let ctx = Prisma.getExtensionContext(this);
                      return>this.polish(v, schemaName))
          if(typeof valueToPolish !== 'object' || valueToPolish === null)
            return valueToPolish;
          let schemaReference = Prisma.dmmf.datamodel.models.find(m=> || Prisma.dmmf.datamodel.types.find(t=>;
          let polishedData = {} as Prisma.Result<T, undefined, 'findFirst'>;
            let value = valueToPolish[];
            if(value==undefined) // SOURCE FROM DBNAME such as __v in the case that v doesnt exist
              value=(field.dbName && valueToPolish[field.dbName])
            if(field.kind === 'object') {
              value = this.polish(value, field.type); //Prisma.getExtensionContext(this) this is helpful too, in case of differing order of definition
            polishedData[] = value;
          return polishedData;

Here's a solution to add a model extension polish method. Typing could be improved