eugeneware / gifencoder

Server side animated gif generation for node.js
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Possible to use addFrame with base64 data instead of imageData? #21

Closed nicolasdelfino closed 6 years ago

nicolasdelfino commented 6 years ago

Hi! I'm searching for something that would allow me to generate an animated GIF from an array of base64 strings, is this possible and implemented / possible but not implemented / impossible? Also, does this need the browser to work or will it work in window less environments? thanks!

heikkipora commented 6 years ago

gifencoder's streaming API works with raw pixels in 32bit RGBA format and the addFrame() API works with a canvas context. So you need to decode whatever you have in your base64 encoded frames first. It works just fine without a browser, and I personally prefer using it on server-side.