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Toggle feature on your blog #1

Open cdtr1 opened 4 years ago

cdtr1 commented 4 years ago

Hi Eugene, I really like the toggle feature using the <details> tag on your blog. Is that a custom template or did you build it on an open source template?


eugeneyan commented 4 years ago

Hey Chris,

Thanks for asking about this. I'm afraid it's nothing that fancy. It's just plain HTML <details><summary></summary></details> and I manually populate the content. I do apply some CSS to style the arrows though.

The site itself isn't based on any template and is plain Jekyll + GitHub pages. Nonetheless, I've tweaked it with CSS over time.

cdtr1 commented 4 years ago

Thanks Eugene!

this is a great way to do this just with CSS. I've installed Jekyll now and will start from there as well.

eugeneyan commented 4 years ago

Thanks Chris! I'm gonna keep this issue open (permanently) so it's easier for people to find.