eugeneyan / ama

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What's your architecture for your blog? #2

Open RiskRunner0 opened 4 years ago

RiskRunner0 commented 4 years ago

As someone who wants to get started in writing and technical blogging, I was thinking about a custom app but then got overwhelmed. Your app looks very well put together, and I was wondering what the architecture was and how easy it was to set up. Maybe a blog post about it would be good.

eugeneyan commented 4 years ago

Hey Matt,

My site doesn't have much "architecture" per se. It's just a combination of the following:

I don't use a theme. Nonetheless, there are many free themes to get started on here.

On setting it up, my friend YuXuan wrote about his process here: Part 1, Part 2. I think you'll find it useful.

EniasCailliau commented 2 years ago

@eugeneyan Can you share the sourcecode to your blog? I'm not a web coder, so creating my own design from scratch is not an option. All the templates feel sub-par having read your blog for 2 years now :)