eugenkiss / chanobol

4Chan reader for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Longclick Image Postcard goto Gallery #221

Open eugenkiss opened 9 years ago

eugenkiss commented 9 years ago

Navigation related. If users longclicks on image in a post card the gallery should be opened such that the respective thumbnail is visible. Because if a user goes to gallery and clicks on an image and then uses 'Go to Post' and then read the post and wants to go back to where he was in the gallery he cannot easily currently which has a bit of a subtle reason. Pressing back would put him back to the catalog because there is an implicit ordering of activities for chanobol, namely PostsActivity before GalleryActivity. The reason for this is that you don't create a big back stack of PostsActivityes and GalleryActivities for the same thread but at most one of each activity.

Somewhat related to #220.