eukara / freehl

Clean-room reimplementation of Half-Life: Deathmatch and Half-Life (Experimental) in QuakeC.
ISC License
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Software Renderer + Appimage binaries for Linux #9

Closed CaptainMuskrat closed 1 year ago

CaptainMuskrat commented 1 year ago

I would like to request the addition of a software renderer for FreeHL in the future, as well as an Appimage binary for ease-of-use and better maintenance.

The first request may seem a tad strange, after all GPUs are prevalent nowadays especially if you are a serious gamer, however software rendering has numerous advantages (and disadvantages), though from my point of view its advantages prevail. Firstly I will admit that it's much slower than GPU graphics -- GPUs are designed to perform graphics-specific operations very quickly and, more importantly, they can process many pixels (and other elements) in parallel, while a CPU has to compute pixels sequentially one by one and that in addition to all other computations it is otherwise performing. This causes a much lower FPS count. For this reasons SW rendering is also normally of lower quality (lower resolution, nearest-neighbour texture filtering, ...) to allow workable FPS. Nevertheless thanks to the ginormous speeds of today's CPUs, simple fullscreen SW rendering can be pretty fast on PCs and achieve even above 120 FPS on older renderers found in Quake and Unreal; on slower CPUs (typically embedded hardware) SW rendering is usable normally at around 30 FPS if resolutions are kept small.

On the other hand SW rendering is more portable, as it can be written purely in a portable language such as C, is less bloated, and eliminates the dependency on GPUs so it will be supported almost anywhere as every computer has a CPU, while not all computers such as embedded devices have a GPU (or, if they have it, it may not be sufficient, supported or have a required driver. SW rendering may also be implemented in a simpler way and it may be easier to deal with as there is e.g. no need to write shaders in a special language, manage transfer of data between CPU and GPU or deal with parallel programming. SW rendering is the "KISS" approach (Keep It Simple Stupid)

This is what I understand from my research, and I feel it would be useful for the long-term health of this project. To ensure FreeHL is made as portable and flexible as possible.

eukara commented 1 year ago

Technically that's a feature request for the engine, FTEQW and not FreeHL - as this project is merely game code. FTEQW does have a software rasterizer (it's used only for the DOS build, which may have regressed - been a while since I checked but it'd build with DJGPP) but due to the way the renderer is set-up to deal with triangles it does very slow sorting and rendering of triangles.

The original Quake SW renderer had its own specialized routine for drawing world and non-world models (you can find those in the original src tree by looking for 'spans' for world and 'alias' for non-world models respectively). None of that code is there anymore and as it wouldn't work well with the material heavy workflow that games like Quake III Arena make use of (and many mod/game developers rely upon).

The undertaking required for giving FTEQW a good, usable SW renderer would be quite extreme as a result. However, using a software implementation of OpenGL 1.X does perform well enough - even on old hardware that cannot do any type of OpenGL. If you don't have any 3D accelerator of any kind, then you can still either force Mesa (on UNIX-like systems) or install a Software implementation of OpenGL for your target platform. Windows 95 does the same thing when you are not running it with a 3D accelerator (otherwise most of its screensavers won't work!) since it ships with a primitive implementation of GL in software as a fallback.

FTEQW will support the OpenGL 1.X rendering path for many years to come, so any basic GL implementation in either soft or hardware should do fine.

eukara commented 1 year ago

And as for AppImage support - that'd be more related to FTEQW again. It'd also be very awkward as we cannot distribute any content to go along with it (so you'd still be dealing with lose files anyhow). The builds for FTEQW on the website at are already statically linked against all dependencies that the engine has and are deliberately compiled against an older libc to help compatibility.

But still, creating AppImages for it may still be an avenue worth exploring for FTEQW considering @Shpoike also is working on Flatpak support.

CaptainMuskrat commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the detailed reply. I heard of a Quake engine that features a brand new custom software renderer, known as Retroquad. It's not completely finished, but the author likes to showcase it's superior rendering to the stock one found in Quake, as well as that of Unreal. He intends for it to be usable for original games as well. It appears to be very capable and competent.

I understand it may be too late to switch engines, but my primary concern is the long-term viability of FreeHL once OpenGL is completely deprecated and loses support, even on Linux systems. It's already been phased out of the Apple ecosystem years ago, and if hardware vendors and software developers have their way, we'll be looking at a very fractured and cumbersome ecosystem in the near future. While OpenGL can indeed do software rendering, what I'm thinking of is something standalone and independent of any third-party API. Half-Life as a game really doesn't need more hardware power than what modern CPUs can provide, and it would be interesting to see just how lean and optimised the codebase can get if GPUs were off the table. Perhaps I'm alone in having this curiosity, but I just wanted to bring it up nonetheless.

And on a completely unrelated note, is there any plan to eventually replace all proprietary assets with free alternatives, like in FreeDoom?. This may be more difficult given Half-Life's greater focus on storytelling, but I feel a similar plot can be conveyed, especially with the possibility of using A.I voices.

Shpoike commented 1 year ago

1) setrenderer "d3d11 warp" achieved 200fps at 1920x1080 last time I tried it on this 13-year-old cpu, something I wouldn't be able to rival. 2) stuff like mesa/pixelflinger/lavapipe/warp have a greater awareness of the os and general system than any generic code I would end up writing would have. (I'm too lazy to learn every sse/avx/neon extension and use them properly on each system) 3) such implementations tend to be ubiquitous enough that the extra dependency is not much of a concern. 4) even if I were able to rival their framerates, I'd also need to rival their featuresets too. 5) they have bigger teams, willing to spend far more time on improving them.

regarding apple trying to kill off opengl so they don't have to bother writing competitive drivers... zink, angle, moltengl, etc can all translate opengl usage to other rendering apis. meanwhile fteqw itself is able to render directly via vulkan, or d3d on windows, or gles etc, so I wouldn't worry about that perspective. worst case some installer just needs to bundle an additional dependency.

aesthetics is a different matter, but also kinda irrelevant when you have glsl able to do stuff like r_softwarebanding 1.

CaptainMuskrat commented 1 year ago

What do you think of TinyGL?.

Shpoike commented 1 year ago

Subset of GLX for easy testing with X Window. compile it as a shared object, set gl_driver to name said shared object. see if it works. fte should be capable of working on gl1.1 contexts, but gl(es)2 is required for the 'full' feature set. frankly gl1.1 is just too limited to be relevant. its not even complete, so there's likely to be significant chunks missing that eg q3-level stuff would depend upon.