eunaeuna / GraphFrameworkOnGPUs

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bibliography issues #17

Open jowens opened 5 years ago

jowens commented 5 years ago

Some titles are in title case and some are in sentence case. Be consistent. I suspect the style wants sentence case. No titles should be wrapped in {{title title}}.

  1. Needs a TR number, and how it can be found.
  2. PageRank
  3. BLAS
  4. Pascal, GPU, NVLink
  5. GraphX
  6. Pages.
  7. CUStinger. Also, pages.
  8. NetworkX. Also 11--15.
  9. iGraph? IGraph? number={1--2}.
  10. Fix the ?. Where can this be found?
  11. Put a URL at least.
  12. Probably this was published in a conference. Use that instead of Sigplan Notices.
  13. PageRank.
  14. log n ? Also {57--67}.
  15. Fix capitalization in venue name.
  16. GraphMat, right? Needs page number and rest of cite.
  17. Please use the PPoPP conference name.
  18. This is in ACM TOPC, please use that reference.
  19. 10--10? That's weird.

There are many HPEC references and their style is not consistent with each other. Please make them consistent.

eunaeuna commented 5 years ago

I think many of them you pointed out is my mistake... I cut them off mostly because of running out space.. Let me review your all comments and fix them. Thank you!

jowens commented 5 years ago

Github changed all my #. numbers to be consecutive, so hopefully you can figure out which comments go to which cites (they are in order, just not numbered properly).