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Users on Chrome using Windows not able to receive PM requests #101

Open NotAMoose opened 7 years ago

NotAMoose commented 7 years ago

I'm not able to repro this on the same version of Chrome (Version 56.0.2924.87) on a mac, all three users reporting the issue are on PC. They have tried disabling all addons, no dice.

One user reports being on windows 7, another user says windows 10 (they think).

ckingdev commented 7 years ago

Are these new installs of Chrome? Or had they been working previously to receive notifications?

I haven't looked through this yet but an update to Chrome's stable channel got pushed on Thursday, March 9th, that bumped the major version number.

Google blog post Chromium changelog

NotAMoose commented 7 years ago

I don't believe that any of these users had ever received a PM before. I only know they're on Version 56.0.2924.87 of Chrome, and using various versions of Windows.

ckingdev commented 7 years ago

Have they checked that they haven't blacklisted notifications from euphoria, or that they're not disabled completely?

jedevc commented 7 years ago

I think I know the reason. The PM is technically received it's just not being shown because of some styling issues. This applies as well to the welcome banner at the top sometimes just being displayed as a green line.

A quick fix I was using is to temporarily resize the screen which for some reason actually displays the messages. Maybe see if that works?

If it's not that, maybe ask them to check the dev console? Maybe there was a rendering error so that the message isn't displayed?

jeremyredhead commented 6 years ago

Hopefully #100 get merged soon, but in the meanwhile, one could try installing this fix in user styles manager like Stylish or Stylus:

@-moz-document domain("") {
  .notice-stack {
    position: unset !important;
    left: unset !important;
    right: unset !important;
    height: 0 !important;
CylonicRaider commented 6 years ago

@-moz-document domain("") {

I wonder if that works in Chrome.

jeremyredhead commented 6 years ago

Both extensions I mentioned have an import method which converts such CSS to an internal format (Even on Firefox, in fact)