eurecom-s3 / symcc

SymCC: efficient compiler-based symbolic execution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Store i1 into memory #112

Closed ercoppa closed 1 year ago

ercoppa commented 1 year ago

Consider this function (inspired by code from objdump):

bool foo(int core) {
  if (core != 0)
    return false;
  int r = (unsigned int)(core == 0);
  return r;  

Clang with -O0 may generate:

define dso_local zeroext i1 @foo(i32 %0) #0 {
  %2 = alloca i1, align 1
  %3 = alloca i32, align 4
  %4 = alloca i32, align 4
  store i32 %0, i32* %3, align 4
  %5 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4
  %6 = icmp ne i32 %5, 0
  br i1 %6, label %7, label %8

7:                                                ; preds = %1
  store i1 false, i1* %2, align 1
  br label %14

8:                                                ; preds = %1
  %9 = load i32, i32* %3, align 4
  %10 = icmp eq i32 %9, 0
  %11 = zext i1 %10 to i32
  store i32 %11, i32* %4, align 4
  %12 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4
  %13 = icmp ne i32 %12, 0
  store i1 %13, i1* %2, align 1
  br label %14

14:                                               ; preds = %8, %7
  %15 = load i1, i1* %2, align 1
  ret i1 %15

Notice the store of i1. SymCC generates this code:

LLVM IR ``` define dso_local zeroext i1 @foo(i32 %0) #0 { call void @_sym_notify_basic_block(i64 5403328) %2 = call i8* @_sym_get_parameter_expression(i8 0) %3 = alloca i1, align 1 %4 = alloca i32, align 4 %5 = alloca i32, align 4 %6 = ptrtoint i32* %4 to i64 call void @_sym_write_memory(i64 %6, i64 4, i8* %2, i8 1) store i32 %0, i32* %4, align 4 %7 = ptrtoint i32* %4 to i64 %8 = call i8* @_sym_read_memory(i64 %7, i64 4, i8 1) %9 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4 %10 = icmp eq i8* null, %8 br i1 %10, label %14, label %11 11: ; preds = %1 %12 = call i8* @_sym_build_integer(i64 0, i8 32) %13 = call i8* @_sym_build_not_equal(i8* %8, i8* %12) br label %14 14: ; preds = %1, %11 %15 = phi i8* [ null, %1 ], [ %13, %11 ] %16 = icmp ne i32 %9, 0 %17 = icmp eq i8* null, %15 br i1 %17, label %19, label %18 18: ; preds = %14 call void @_sym_push_path_constraint(i8* %15, i1 %16, i64 4548776) br label %19 19: ; preds = %14, %18 br i1 %16, label %20, label %22 20: ; preds = %19 call void @_sym_notify_basic_block(i64 6020064) %21 = ptrtoint i1* %3 to i64 call void @_sym_write_memory(i64 %21, i64 1, i8* null, i8 1) store i1 false, i1* %3, align 1 br label %52 22: ; preds = %19 call void @_sym_notify_basic_block(i64 5402272) %23 = ptrtoint i32* %4 to i64 %24 = call i8* @_sym_read_memory(i64 %23, i64 4, i8 1) %25 = load i32, i32* %4, align 4 %26 = icmp eq i8* null, %24 br i1 %26, label %30, label %27 27: ; preds = %22 %28 = call i8* @_sym_build_integer(i64 0, i8 32) %29 = call i8* @_sym_build_equal(i8* %24, i8* %28) br label %30 30: ; preds = %22, %27 %31 = phi i8* [ null, %22 ], [ %29, %27 ] %32 = icmp eq i32 %25, 0 %33 = icmp eq i8* null, %31 br i1 %33, label %37, label %34 34: ; preds = %30 %35 = call i8* @_sym_build_bool_to_bit(i8* %31) %36 = call i8* @_sym_build_zext(i8* %35, i8 31) br label %37 37: ; preds = %30, %34 %38 = phi i8* [ null, %30 ], [ %36, %34 ] %39 = zext i1 %32 to i32 %40 = ptrtoint i32* %5 to i64 call void @_sym_write_memory(i64 %40, i64 4, i8* %38, i8 1) store i32 %39, i32* %5, align 4 %41 = ptrtoint i32* %5 to i64 %42 = call i8* @_sym_read_memory(i64 %41, i64 4, i8 1) %43 = load i32, i32* %5, align 4 %44 = icmp eq i8* null, %42 br i1 %44, label %48, label %45 45: ; preds = %37 %46 = call i8* @_sym_build_integer(i64 0, i8 32) %47 = call i8* @_sym_build_not_equal(i8* %42, i8* %46) br label %48 48: ; preds = %37, %45 %49 = phi i8* [ null, %37 ], [ %47, %45 ] %50 = icmp ne i32 %43, 0 %51 = ptrtoint i1* %3 to i64 call void @_sym_write_memory(i64 %51, i64 1, i8* %49, i8 1) store i1 %50, i1* %3, align 1 br label %52 52: ; preds = %48, %20 call void @_sym_notify_basic_block(i64 5837824) %53 = ptrtoint i1* %3 to i64 %54 = call i8* @_sym_read_memory(i64 %53, i64 1, i8 1) %55 = load i1, i1* %3, align 1 call void @_sym_set_return_expression(i8* %54) ret i1 %55 } ```

where the interesting part is:

45:                                               ; preds = %37
  %46 = call i8* @_sym_build_integer(i64 0, i8 32)
  %47 = call i8* @_sym_build_not_equal(i8* %42, i8* %46)
  br label %48

48:                                               ; preds = %37, %45
  %49 = phi i8* [ null, %37 ], [ %47, %45 ]
  %50 = icmp ne i32 %43, 0
  %51 = ptrtoint i1* %3 to i64
  call void @_sym_write_memory(i64 %51, i64 1, i8* %49, i8 1)

In other words, it is writing a bool expression (from _sym_build_not_equal) into memory without using _sym_bool_to_bit: indeed, the original LLVM IR is not doing a cast (because it is writing an i1 and not an i8!). When running this code, we get the following assertion failure:

main: /mnt/ssd/symbolic/symcc.ercoppa/runtime/qsym_backend/qsym/qsym/pintool/expr.h:579: qsym::ExtractExpr::ExtractExpr(qsym::ExprRef, UINT32, UINT32): Assertion `bits + index <= e->bits()' failed.

since we are doing an extract over a bool expression (which is illegal) in _sym_write_memory. Notice also that the original program is returning i1 (bool) while the instrumented program is returning an integer expression of 8 bits.

Now, there are a few ways of fixing this:

  1. When writing/reading i1, we have to perform conversions, e.g., adding a call to _sym_bool_to_bit.
  2. The backend should automatically perform the conversion when needed. This is what we have implemented in SymFusion but requires changing a few bits (createExtract, negatePath, etc.) in the backend. This solution is worse but I do not remember if I implemented it due to similar issues with SymQEMU coming from the setcc instruction(*).

KLEE is using approach (1): they are doing the conversion in the memory model.

Let me know what do you suggest. I can make a PR for approach (1) by modifying the pass.

(*) I am unable to build right now a minimal test case for reproducing the issue in SymQEMU... I do not remember the exact reason (it should be a tricky case with setcc).

sebastianpoeplau commented 1 year ago

I agree that (1) looks like a cleaner solution. I checked the LLVM Language Reference, and it explicitly mentions the widening as part of the instruction's semantics; I think that's another point in favor of (1). Strictly speaking, we'd have to be more general and handle any type whose bit size isn't an integral multiple of 8, but i1 should be the only one that the relevant frontends emit :thinking:

ercoppa commented 1 year ago

Please check carefully PR #116 since it introduces several critical changes. Let me know what you think.