eurecom-s3 / symcc

SymCC: efficient compiler-based symbolic execution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cannot generate new testcase for a simple case #145

Open xiaozhouqi opened 11 months ago

xiaozhouqi commented 11 months ago

Hi, i have installed symcc sucessfully and tried the demo in tutorials, all thing goes well. So i want to test whether it support complex class. Below, it's my test code. Firstly, compiling this code using "sym++ vec.cpp -o vec" command. Secondly, "mkdir results" and "export SYMCC_OUTPUT_DIR=......." Finally, run the instrustmented program, " cat seed | ./vec". where seed is well-defined test case. After, it doesn't return me any new generated testcases, i donn't know the reason. Plese help me, thank you.





using namespace std;

class People { public: People(string name, int age, vector entry) : name(name), age(age), entry(entry) {} public: string name; int age; vector entry;


bool FunA(People *p) { if (p->entry[0] == 1234) { return true; } else if (p->entry[1] == 1234) { return true; } else { return false; } }

int main(int argc, char **argv) { string temp; vector res; while(getline(cin, temp)) { res.push_back(temp); } string name = res[0]; int age = stoi(res[1]); vector entry; for (int i = 2; i < res.size(); ++i) { entry.push_back(stoi(res[i])); } People p(name, age, entry); FunA(&p); return 0; }