eureka2 / G6K

Generator of calculation simulator (calculator)
MIT License
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Buffer issue when publishing after validating via cmd + stream issue #41

Open Seymos76 opened 3 years ago

Seymos76 commented 3 years ago


after importing the data sources and the simulator, the validation of the simulator via the g6k command took place without error but during the publication, I get a buffer error (no buffer to flush).

I just retested just now and the post seems to be going well but when saving the changes I have the following error:

ErrorException: Warning: file_put_contents (/ var / www / simulator / var / data / simulators / work / cost-certificate-registration.xml): failed to open stream: Permission denied

I have however changed the rights on the file and on the folder but nothing helps.

Thank you in advance for your help !

eureka2 commented 3 years ago


The message is clear, the user of the HTTP server (I assume it's Apache?) must have write permission on the "/var www/simulator/var/data/simulators/work" directory and on the files it contains.

Seymos76 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, it's Nginx, it seems to be fixed but simulator is not accessible from public part. I got a 404 and don't understand why...