Open AparicioSF opened 4 months ago
Surface air temperature anomaly are only on pdf...are not maps. THe only dataset we can extract are the timeseries (csv) that include Global and European ANomalies, but also global timeseries for each month, year, current values, climatological values and anomalies values
other datasets not investigated yet.
Anca to provide additional information, dataset will be added (coming from JAXA)
potential data to be integrated from SH
@aapopescu I checked around...THe land surface temperature is a S3 SLSTR L2 product. Currently in Sentinel Hub and in CDSE there are only S3 SLSTR L1B product.
Or we simply use the S3 SLSTR L1B S9 band (that should be a 1km resolution for SST and LST)...but is not a "real" product (in the sense it is affected by CLouds and some co-registration issues if udnerstood well) or we should look for data providers that provide S3 SLSTR L2 Land Surface Tempertaure.
@AlessandroScremin will explore if data available in openEO
YAML fo the Sentinel-3 dataset LST uploaded here
@aapopescu cc: @FedericoRondoni @dmoglioni
we are starting the ignestion of the S3 SLSTR L2 LST into SH. for the moment we are doing it gradually day by day...we are talking around 700/1000 tiles per day.
here an example selecting only the first half day passes (first 12 hrs).
this is the preliminary result for June 1st
There are some artifacts at the top of the screen (over 60 degrees North) but honestly I was not able to udnerstadn why and how to filter they out. I would suggest to proceed with the ingestion due to the short time availble and later investigate how to fix these artifacts. What the use really need to use these datasets is the possibility to filter also by a kind of slidebar for time selection is recomended as the data are quite a lot and ascending and descending orbits can overlay if not filtering the time of the day...
Hi @aapopescu, a quick update before my holidays: I went on with the S3-L2-LST data processing, having ingested from June, 1st until June, 24th 2023 (included) into SH.
@aapopescu @FedericoRondoni @dmoglioni @AparicioSF
LST products from S3 L2 are beeing ingested slowly but smoothly. 2 or 4 days every day...but it is needed manual triggering of the service...
Every run (2 days) take from 9 hrs to 12 hrs to process and ingest.
Currently all June is ingested. During weekend I can try to ingest 4 or 6 days, but we don't know if the system will crash...
SH configurations and legends operational for both ECOSTRESS and Sentinel-3 SLSTR dataset. cc @aapopescu you can check the related open PR cc @lubojr
@AparicioSF to do the collections/NELST_ECOSTRESS_LST and collections/SLSTR1_Sentinel-3-SLSTR-L2-LST MD files
Surface air temperature anomaly for January 2024 relative to the January average for the period 1991-2020. Data source: ERA5. Credit: Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF - in this page is the map however, I'm not able to find the exact location of this dataset...
Land Surface Temperature Sentinel-3 SLSTR
ECOSTRESS data - night-time surface temperatures, taken in July - source (one question: why is global (monthly?) temperature available through race but not on dash?)