eurodatacube / eodash

Software behind the RACE dashboard by ESA and the European Commission (, the Green Transition Information Factory - GTIF (, as well as the Earth Observing Dashboard by NASA, ESA, and JAXA (
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Change projection in Trilateral #219

Closed aapopescu closed 3 years ago

aapopescu commented 4 years ago
aapopescu commented 4 years ago

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Environment App version: 2.0.0

Current URL:

Steps to reproduce: Correct it as per google map

Expected Content: As per Google map

Comments: No comments

Schpidi commented 4 years ago

@olafveerman does the api provide the global no2 and co2 data in a different projection than 3857?

santilland commented 4 years ago

@aapopescu to provide wanted projection to ask if this projection could be provided by data provider (NASA) @EOX ask sinergise what projections are supported for COGs? @lubojr to provide list from API (WMS)

lubojr commented 4 years ago

SH: list of available projections on WMS:

olafveerman commented 4 years ago

@Schpidi Missed your original question.

The API only supports 3857 at the moment. We are thinking of building in support for other systems in the future, but it's unclear which ones and when that will happen.

lubojr commented 4 years ago

@aapopescu We have investigated if there would be an option to include the raster data in other projection than EPSG:3857. Unfortunately Leaflet does not support on the fly raster transformation, so the coordinate system of the map and of the tile layer need to match. Using the plugin, we would be able to set the map projection to any configured projection - our suggestion for the cylindrical low-mid latitute would be for example but this would still mean that tiles/wms layer would need to be served in this projection for dashboard to consume it.

aapopescu commented 4 years ago

@olafveerman , @gmilcinski can tiles and wms be served in EPSG 6933?

@aapopescu We have investigated if there would be an option to include the raster data in other projection than EPSG:3857. Unfortunately Leaflet does not support on the fly raster transformation, so the coordinate system of the map and of the tile layer need to match. Using the plugin, we would be able to set the map projection to any configured projection - our suggestion for the cylindrical low-mid latitute would be for example but this would still mean that tiles/wms layer would need to be served in this projection for dashboard to consume it.

gmilcinski commented 4 years ago

@aapopescu : Sentinel Hub does not yet support EPSG:6933 but I am pretty confident that we can add this feature. Estimated effort: 2 man-days (implementation, integration, testing)

lubojr commented 3 years ago

Closing for now. Put on Hold