eurodatacube / eodash

Software behind the RACE dashboard by ESA and the European Commission (, the Green Transition Information Factory - GTIF (, as well as the Earth Observing Dashboard by NASA, ESA, and JAXA (
MIT License
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Link from eodashboard stories to Dashboard Not working #2409

Closed AlessandroScremin closed 4 months ago

AlessandroScremin commented 9 months ago

@lubojr @santilland cc: @aapopescu @dmoglioni

Using Google Chome

I access the user story on cryosphere here:

when I click on one of the links in the EXPLORE Datasets, i'm addressed to the maps but with no data visible, all grey.


Then if I look for the melmaps in the search panel i can visualisze at least the AOI


could it be a possible issue with geographic coordinates set in the link in the explore datasets section of the story?

lubojr commented 9 months ago

Thank you for the report. I will invest the issue.

lubojr commented 9 months ago

I confirm that it was a problem on the previous production deployment. I have now done a new deployment and can not reproduce again. Could you please test as well @AlessandroScremin ? Thanks

AlessandroScremin commented 9 months ago


same issue. I tried with chrome normal mode and also incognito...but got the same grey page...


lubojr commented 9 months ago

Oh no. I shall try to reproduce again then.

lubojr commented 4 months ago

This seems to be now fixed with the transition to the STAC based loading of datasets.