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Beetle4tech sawmill data #2469

Open lubojr opened 5 months ago

lubojr commented 5 months ago

Data will be provided as Shapefiles - to ingest to geodb

The main idea is to allow actual "search/filtering" of valid sawmills in the field by parameters of the sawmill based on what it creates, which wood it accepts and how far it is. We might consider network distance in the future, but for now let's consider circle radius around clicked point or current phone location.

mariangela-cataldo commented 5 months ago

Also to be ingested are power plants point geometries

santilland commented 5 months ago

Data received, shapefiles as expected: 505 sawmill features 211 biomass powerplants Email sent requesting description of sawmill properties. Will start ingestion into geodb.

Patrick1G commented 5 months ago

@santilland please add biomass power plants as optional overlay layer to energy tools

santilland commented 5 months ago

add sawmills and power plants to forest disturbance type, analysis allowing filtering of sawmills (and if possible also power plants). Consider possible statistics once data is integrated.

santilland commented 4 months ago

Sawmill data is integrated in gtif_beetle branch, has been added to Forest Analysis -> Forest disturbance type Can be seen here: The information should be adapted to mirror the new functionality, i also think that the capabilities descriptions should be re-evaluated, especially the longer ones, this is how selection currently looks: image

When applying capabilities filters the map updates to show which sawmills provide all of the selected capabilities: image

Please @mariangela-cataldo let us know about the possible information and capabilities descriptor changes

mariangela-cataldo commented 3 months ago

Hi @santilland and @lubojr, looking at the test environment and here are a couple of quick comments:

santilland commented 3 months ago

Hello @mariangela-cataldo, thank you for the feedback.

Any feedback on name length of the capabilities descriptors?

mariangela-cataldo commented 2 months ago

Hi Daniel @santilland, as for the descriptor naming, before changing the naming I would discuss them with BeetleforTech. One idea that quickly comes to my mind is the following. If I remember well, initially the descriptors were just short letter codes: would it make sense to actually have these displayed in the table, and get the full descriptor naming on hover?

As for the selection based on the descriptors, it looks like it's an "and" (rather than "or") based filtering , correct (if I select more than one descriptor I see a lower number of sawmills)? This approach should also better be confirmed with BeetleForTech, I would have rather expected an "or".

Let us know when power plants are added and when we can start adding more analysis functionalities, i.e. location-based filtering. We were discussing the possibility to identify sawmills/powerplants within a certain distance radius from a forest disturbance point and to go - later - a step further by adding the OSM road network too, is that correct?

santilland commented 2 months ago

Hello Mariangela,

i think that the short codes are not understandable for anyone (maybe only for some experts in the field if it they are standardized keys?), but hovering on each one to find out what it means seems to me like a bad user experience. I would propose to leave the long names instead.

Yes, the selection is an "and". I assumed that someone clicking at multiple capabilities would be interested in seeing if they can do all those things (e.g. being able to process some type woods plus/and further processing capabilities). We can change the behavior to be an "or" if this better fits the use case, please let us know.

I will let you know when the power plants are added, the idea is to have them as additional points on the map (they do not have any other attributes). As far as location-based filtering, my proposal was to see if seeing the points in the map would be enough, i am not sure if drawing a circle provides much more insight to close by points. If the distance itself is the key point, we would propose adding a line measuring tool, where you could draw a multisegment line where the distance is indicated, then you could accurately calculate distance to the nearest points. As for the OSM road network, in the discussion (if i remember correctly) they mentioned that only special roads can be driven by the transporters and they were considering providing those special roads network to us, so we could include it as information layer, to see what roads could be potentially taken from one location to the closest processing plant.

santilland commented 1 month ago

Additional auxiliary data to be integrated, see #2593