euroelessar / qutim

Module based Instant Messenger
141 stars 32 forks source link

PVS-studio results #398

Open nico-izo opened 7 years ago

nico-izo commented 7 years ago

All related information will be here.

How to do it yourself:

$ pvs-studio-analyzer trace -- qbs build -d ../qutim-pvs-studio debug profile:qt-5-4-ololo quickchat.condition:false
$ pvs-studio-analyzer analyze -j2 -o pvs.log
$ plog-converter -a GA:1,2 -t tasklist -o final.pvs.log ./pvs.log

And log (Here you can see minified version: ): 1   err Help: The documentation for all analyzer warnings is available here:
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/3rdparty/k8json/k8json.cpp    586 note    V550 An odd precise comparison: ((qint64) fnum) * 1.0 != fnum. It's probably better to use a comparison with defined precision: fabs(A - B) > Epsilon.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/3rdparty/k8json/k8json.cpp    718 warn    V559 Suspicious assignment inside the condition expression of 'if' operator: s = parseValue(val, s, maxLength).
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/localizedstring.h   56  note    V690 The 'LocalizedString' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/actiongenerator.cpp 296 note    V688 The 'receiver' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/actiongenerator.cpp 299 note    V688 The 'member' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/dataforms.h 588 note    V688 The 'd' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/modulemanager.cpp   657 warn    V612 An unconditional 'return' within a loop.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/status.cpp  63  note    V690 The 'StatusPrivate' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/account.cpp 178 note    V688 The 'protocol' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/account.cpp 80  note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'name' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'id' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  276 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  277 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  278 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  284 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  292 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  296 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  319 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  342 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/menucontroller.cpp  350 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'd_func()'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/notification.cpp    68  note    V690 The 'NotificationRequestPrivate' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/asyncresult.h   169 note    V690 The 'AsyncResult' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/shortcut.cpp    244 warn    V668 There is no sense in testing the 'info' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/message.cpp 112 note    V690 The 'MessagePrivate' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/emoticons.cpp   343 note    V656 Variables 'begin', 'chars' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the 'message.constData()' expression. Check lines: 342, 343.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/dataforms.cpp   115 note    V688 The 'subitems' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/dataforms.cpp   115 note    V688 The 'parent' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/dataforms.cpp   223 note    V688 The 'name' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/lib/qutim/dataforms.cpp   346 note    V688 The 'name' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/langmap.h  167 note    V659 Declarations of functions with 'LangMap::operator []' name differ in the 'const' keyword only, but the bodies of these functions have different composition. This is suspicious and can possibly be an error. Check lines: 162, 167.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/client_p.h 166 note    V688 The 'jid' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/stanza.h   57  note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'addPayload' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'addExtension' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/bin/src/widgets/profilecreationwizard.cpp 119 note    V565 An empty exception handler. Silent suppression of exceptions can hide the presence of bugs in source code during testing.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/simplecontactlist/simplecontactdelegate/contactdelegate.cpp   195 warn    V519 The 'font' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 194, 195.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/simplecontactlist/simplecontactdelegate/contactdelegate.cpp   274 note    V519 The 'font' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 272, 274.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumchat/lib/chatsessionimpl.cpp 435 note    V688 The 'menu' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumchat/lib/chatsessionimpl.cpp 213 note    V659 Declarations of functions with 'ChatSessionImpl::controller' name differ in the 'const' keyword only, but the bodies of these functions have different composition. This is suspicious and can possibly be an error. Check lines: 206, 213.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/contactmodel/src/contactlistfrontmodel.cpp    219 note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'supportedDragActions' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'supportedDropActions' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/registrationmanager.cpp    187 note    V688 The 'feature' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglesession_p.h 37  warn    V690 The 'JingleSessionContent' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglesession.cpp 61  err V522 Dereferencing of the null pointer 'content' might take place.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/disco.cpp  566 note    V659 Declarations of functions with 'Disco::features' name differ in the 'const' keyword only, but the bodies of these functions have different composition. This is suspicious and can possibly be an error. Check lines: 555, 566.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/pubsubpublishfactory.cpp   70  err V646 Consider inspecting the application's logic. It's possible that 'else' keyword is missing.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/pubsubeventfactory.cpp 67  err V646 Consider inspecting the application's logic. It's possible that 'else' keyword is missing.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jingleaudiocontentfactory.cpp 59  err V646 Consider inspecting the application's logic. It's possible that 'else' keyword is missing.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/vcard.cpp  469 note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'setBirthday' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'setBday' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/vcard.cpp  484 note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'birthday' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'bday' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/connectionbosh.cpp 194 err V614 Uninitialized variable 'c' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'writeData' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/connectionbosh.cpp 315 err V614 Uninitialized variable 'c' used. Consider checking the first actual argument of the 'writeData' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/privacyqueryfactory.cpp    73  err V646 Consider inspecting the application's logic. It's possible that 'else' keyword is missing.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglecontent.cpp 65  note    V688 The 'state' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglecontent.cpp 68  note    V688 The 'transport' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglecontent.cpp 90  note    V688 The 'transport' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jinglecontent.cpp 118 note    V688 The 'transport' local variable possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/jreen/src/experimental/jingleaudiocontent.cpp    80  note    V656 Variables 'ts', 'ssrc' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the 'qFromBigEndian < quint32 > (udata + 4)' expression. Check lines: 79, 80.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/src/protocol/account/dataform/jdataform.cpp  57  note    V688 The 'form' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/src/protocol/modules/xmlconsole/xmlconsole.cpp   164 warn    V524 It is odd that the body of 'handleStreamEnd' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'handleStreamBegin' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/src/protocol/account/muc/jmucsession.cpp 396 note    V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'user'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/src/protocol/account/muc/jmucsession.cpp 274 note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'voice' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'participant' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/jabber/src/protocol/account/muc/jmucsession.cpp 289 note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'visitor' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'unvoice' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/dataunit.h    47  note    V690 The 'DataUnit' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/metainfo/metafield.h  111 note    V690 The 'MetaField' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/feedbag.h 126 note    V688 The 'd' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/messages.cpp  474 warn    V581 The conditional expressions of the 'if' operators situated alongside each other are identical. Check lines: 472, 474.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/messages.cpp  587 err V768 The enumeration constant 'MsgPlugin' is used as a variable of a Boolean-type.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/metainfo/tlvbasedmetarequest.cpp  36  note    V688 The 'id' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/metainfo/tlvbasedmetarequest.cpp  54  note    V688 The 'id' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/metainfo/tlvbasedmetarequest.cpp  64  note    V688 The 'id' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/metainfo/tlvbasedmetarequest.cpp  83  note    V688 The 'id' function argument possesses the same name as one of the class members, which can result in a confusion.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/sessiondataitem.h 35  note    V690 The 'SessionDataItem' class implements a copy constructor, but lacks the '=' operator. It is dangerous to use such a class.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/oscarfiletransfer.cpp 544 warn    V768 The expression 'this->state()' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as an expression of a Boolean-type.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/oscarfiletransfer.cpp 1236    err V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'item' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 1230, 1236.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/oscarfiletransfer.cpp 1242    err V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'item' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 1230, 1242.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/oscar/src/oscarfiletransfer.cpp 1255    err V672 There is probably no need in creating the new 'item' variable here. One of the function's arguments possesses the same name and this argument is a reference. Check lines: 1230, 1255.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/irc/src/ircchannel.cpp  244 note    V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/irc/src/ircchannel.cpp  266 note    V572 It is odd that the object which was created using 'new' operator is immediately cast to another type.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/protocols/irc/src/ircstandartctcphandler.cpp  88  warn    V560 A part of conditional expression is always true: "TIME".
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/clconf/src/proxycontact.cpp   81  note    V524 It is odd that the body of 'name' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'title' function.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumchat/chatforms/tabbedchatform/tabbedchatwidget.cpp   97  note    V656 Variables 'm_actSeparator', 'm_unitSeparator' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the 'm_toolbar->addSeparator()' expression. Check lines: 96, 97.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumchat/chatforms/tabbedchatform/tabbar.cpp 80  note    V656 Variables 'width', 'height' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Check lines: 79, 80.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumwebview/src/adiumwebviewvariable.cpp 88  warn    V768 The expression 'fvalue.capitalization()' is of enum type. It is odd that it is used as an expression of a Boolean-type.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/histman/src/clients/qipinfium.cpp 117 note    V526 The 'memcmp' function returns 0 if corresponding buffers are equal. Consider examining the condition for mistakes.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/histman/src/clients/sim.cpp   134 note    V656 Variables 'icqCodec', 'defCodec' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the 'QTextCodec::codecForName(charset())' expression. Check lines: 133, 134.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/histman/src/clients/qippda.cpp    87  note    V526 The 'memcmp' function returns 0 if corresponding buffers are equal. Consider examining the condition for mistakes.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/histview/src/historywindow.cpp    253 warn    V668 There is no sense in testing the 'month' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/histview/src/historywindow.cpp    330 note    V656 Variables 'defaultFont', 'serviceFont' are initialized through the call to the same function. It's probably an error or un-optimized code. Consider inspecting the 'cursor.charFormat()' expression. Check lines: 329, 330.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/adiumchat/chatfactories/textchat/textviewcontroller.cpp   181 warn    V508 The use of 'new type(n)' pattern was detected. Probably meant: 'new type[n]'.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  323 warn    V612 An unconditional 'break' within a loop.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  461 note    V601 The 'true' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the second argument.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  547 note    V601 The 'false' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the fifth argument.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  585 note    V601 The 'false' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the fifth argument.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  615 note    V601 The 'false' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the fifth argument.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  640 note    V601 The 'false' value is implicitly cast to the integer type. Inspect the fifth argument.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/offtherecord/src/otrinternal.cpp  908 warn    V763 Parameter 'context' is always rewritten in function body before being used.
/home/nico-izo/gitgames/qutim/src/plugins/generic/shortcutsettings/keysequencewidget.cpp    330 err V570 The 'm_old_sequence' variable is assigned to itself.