Is your feature request related to a specific event or situation at Eurofurence?
Not relevant
What problem are you trying to solve with this feature?
Provide an onboard workflow for the Critter instead of just one form after login the first time.
Describe the solution you'd like to see implemented
Onboarding wizard with just a few steps/questions.
Step - Welcome with a short description (maybe with the nickname already and/or information about data collection/privacy)
Step - Ask/confirm the arrival / departure dates
Step - Ask for Pronoun, email, phone, Telegram or any other basic needed information that cannot wait
Step - Give the option to finish or adjust the email preferences
Step - Appraise the Critter for concluding the registration and/or show information where the Critter needs to go or do (in case of mandatory training or find a helpdesk staff or get a card or something else)
How would this feature improve the Critter System for Eurofurence volunteers or attendees?
Becomes more welcoming, avoids the Critter to not fill important information (example: departure date), allows a better responsive design to fit phone screens without scrolling too much
Describe any alternatives you've considered or tried
Is your feature request related to a specific event or situation at Eurofurence?
Not relevant
What problem are you trying to solve with this feature?
Provide an onboard workflow for the Critter instead of just one form after login the first time.
Describe the solution you'd like to see implemented
Onboarding wizard with just a few steps/questions.
How would this feature improve the Critter System for Eurofurence volunteers or attendees?
Becomes more welcoming, avoids the Critter to not fill important information (example: departure date), allows a better responsive design to fit phone screens without scrolling too much
Describe any alternatives you've considered or tried
No alternative consider in this momment
Additional context or screenshots
No response