Is your feature request related to a specific event or situation at Eurofurence?
Not relevant
What problem are you trying to solve with this feature?
Need to know principle. Information that is not relevant for the Critters should be hidden from the Critter permission level
Describe the solution you'd like to see implemented
The information available for the Critter needs to match the access level/role. This means, if a location is off limits, it should not be visible (exceptions may occur but exception should not be a rule)
How would this feature improve the Critter System for Eurofurence volunteers or attendees?
Need to know principle and avoid the user to become frustrated using a system that keeps telling "not allowed or no entrance". Also, helps to avoid the user to start a scavenge hunt for the forbidden location 😄
Describe any alternatives you've considered or tried
Is your feature request related to a specific event or situation at Eurofurence?
Not relevant
What problem are you trying to solve with this feature?
Need to know principle. Information that is not relevant for the Critters should be hidden from the Critter permission level
Describe the solution you'd like to see implemented
The information available for the Critter needs to match the access level/role. This means, if a location is off limits, it should not be visible (exceptions may occur but exception should not be a rule)
How would this feature improve the Critter System for Eurofurence volunteers or attendees?
Need to know principle and avoid the user to become frustrated using a system that keeps telling "not allowed or no entrance". Also, helps to avoid the user to start a scavenge hunt for the forbidden location 😄
Describe any alternatives you've considered or tried
Not relevant
Additional context or screenshots
No response