Open Balenty opened 2 months ago
Help Desk Staffer activity of answering questions from critters
Please add a lock - whoever starts the edit procedure first will mark the question as being edited or even block others interacting with it.
So staffer won't do work twice when 2 eager staffer start answering the same question the same time
No response
Is your feature request related to a specific event or situation at Eurofurence?
Help Desk Staffer activity of answering questions from critters
What problem are you trying to solve with this feature?
Describe the solution you'd like to see implemented
Please add a lock - whoever starts the edit procedure first will mark the question as being edited or even block others interacting with it.
How would this feature improve the Critter System for Eurofurence volunteers or attendees?
So staffer won't do work twice when 2 eager staffer start answering the same question the same time
Describe any alternatives you've considered or tried
Additional context or screenshots
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