This is a live ticket that has points of discussion for the Dev Team
Does not mean that everything here will be implemented or done.
[ ] Normalization of the application name (code and ui) - Angel vs. Critter
[ ] Migration function - fail to "migrate" depending the code page or type of system (windows/linux)
[ ] Force conversion of CRLF / LF > specially for scripts
[x] Language files .po - Incomplete termination => error on execution/conversion > improve the testing when commit is done to catch this - example default.po missed on line 431 the "
[ ] Documentation - deployment for production (direct to web server fails)
[ ] Documentation - Internal permissions and access levels
[ ] Use of reverse proxy - for performance and scale - not depend only from the nginx inside the docker
[ ] Shift Creation - force the user to save or cancel after the preview - avoid data loss
[ ] Badge number - automatic or manual assigned
[ ] Telegram validation - for future integration
[ ] Explicit set flags for values and not only use NULL or "not empty"
[ ] create and define list of common terms and names - standardize development
[ ] create a GitHub team to simplify the code review request - avoid manual guess of who will review
[ ] Create a data archival policy and roll over policy - after the event, a way to keep the needed data and remove unwanted data (instead of doing manual work)
[ ] data export/import -> server side to simplify the work of dumping the content for re-upload > consider backup or disaster recovery
[ ] self sign up icon/indication icon improvement - replace with a checkmark maybe? (Save space on small screens and more clear visible) Or even group in sections to make it a bit easier to see
[ ] add a section only for admins to perform adjustments without the need to change the files directly and for quick fixes, example, email server or goodies
[ ] notification system for upcoming shifts -> can be merged with telegram notification
[ ] concept of reputation levels - to be more friendly
[ ] documentation - improve the files and host inside the folder 'docs\'
[x] GPG public keys - add a list of public keys to validate the commits this is not needed inside github
[ ] define a plan for the upstream repository - this means, make it generic that can be used by others or specific to us
This is a live ticket that has points of discussion for the Dev Team
Does not mean that everything here will be implemented or done.
GPG public keys - add a list of public keys to validate the commitsthis is not needed inside github