euroscipy / euroscipy_proceedings

Tools used to generate the SciPy conference proceedings
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Done at last #17

Closed kdz closed 10 years ago

kdz commented 10 years ago

papers/kelsey_dsouza/ contains a final paper.pdf, and also contains the .rst and image files etc. that it came from.

esc commented 10 years ago


I submitted a pull request with some suggested fixes:

Other more general comments:

kdz commented 10 years ago

Thanks, Valentin. After my latest commit "37090e" to kdz/euroscipy_proceedings, I now have all your suggested fixes and some other fixes, and am ready to submit my final paper.

What do I do next to get this submitted? So sorry, but I'm very new to git and github!

pdebuyl commented 10 years ago

Hi Kelsey,

Another referee will also comment on your paper. Once both referees are done reviewing your submission we will take care to include it into the proceedings.

esc commented 10 years ago

Hello again,

one last comment perhaps: I couldn't find a copy of PySTEM -- perhaps it would be good to include a download URL somewhere?

best wishes,


pdebuyl commented 10 years ago


The paper is well structured, I have some comments that should be addressed.

From the point of view of the code, I saw that the repository " kdz / pystemm" was added on github with a license, this is very good indeed. I could not test the code as I don't use a mac. Still, a reference to the repository should appear in the code.

The code relies on the traits library for an important part of the concept and models definitions. The important use of traits suggests that it should be mentioned explicitly in the text and a reference should be added that links to the traits project

kdz commented 10 years ago

I have incorporated all feedback from Pierre de Buyl. I am not sure if I need to do anything more at this point. Thanks!

pdebuyl commented 10 years ago

Hi, thanks for your update.

I've made two comments (URL problem and traits). Once they are addressed, the paper will be fine.

kdz commented 10 years ago

But the original version states in Figure 12: "traits: represent type info. for attributes, ensure only valid values assigned". This is exactly what I use from the traits package, so I am not sure I understand the issue. In any case, I have elaborated further as you requested. Will this suffice?

A question, just for my information: am I required to provide source code with my paper submission?


kdz commented 10 years ago

Hi Pierre,

Am I required to make the source code available in order to publish this paper? If not, I prefer to not include the github reference in the paper itself. Please let me know so I can make any required final edits. Thanks.

NelleV commented 10 years ago

Hello Kelsey, You are not required to make the source code available to publish the paper, but it is recommended. It's a good way to have feedback on your work. Thanks, N

pdebuyl commented 10 years ago

Hi Kelsey,

Your changes with respect to "traits" are fine. It clarifies the inheritance from HasTraits which plays an important role. Else, as Nelle wrote, code availability is not mandatory. But as you have made the effort to push it to github it would be weird to retract it :-)