eusi / TwitchStreamer-Alfred-Workflow

Check who is Streaming on and watch your favorite Stream via LiveStreamer on VLC.
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Not working anymore? #1

Closed manuelnagele closed 10 years ago

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

Heya! Unfortunately it's not working for me. Nothing happens after entering a query. Are you still working on this?

Thanks! :)

eusi commented 10 years ago

Hey! It has been working for me very fine.

What happens if you type in like "tw dota"?

Maybe you have to wait a bit if there are some game covers/posters to download.

greetz eusi

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

nothing seems to happen. (i already let it load for 10+ min earlier)

eusi commented 10 years ago

Hm. strange.

Following link gives you an answer (list of dota streams in json format)?

PHP ready? Check terminal/console: php --version

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

the twitch link works

php --version gets me this: PHP 5.4.24 (cli) (built: Jan 19 2014 21:32:15) Copyright (c) 1997-2013 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2013 Zend Technologies

eusi commented 10 years ago

Good question whats wrong on your system... :-/

You are running TwitchStreamer 1.52 (?) on latest Alfred v2 (?) with a legal powerpack license (?) on a mac? TwitchStreamer did run x days ago on your system (?) and your other Alfred apps still run?

If you answer all this questions with "yes", so tell what happend to your systems since the last time TwitchStreamer ran fine?

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

Yes to all except that TwitchStreamer unfortunately never worked. :(

eusi commented 10 years ago

I will check my code tomorrow and upload my current build for you. Hopefully that will run, otherwise I have no idea. TwitchStreamer actually should work. Cya later.

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

thanks a lot for your efforts! :)

manuelnagele commented 10 years ago

Oh snap! after fumbling around with all sorts of stuff tonight it actually works now. no idea what i changed, but it works. amazing workflow, i'm gonna use this one so much :D hooray!

and thanks again for your help! take care

eusi commented 10 years ago

Nice. My pleasure :-)