euslisp / jskeus

This repository contains EusLisp software developed and used by JSK at The University of Tokyo
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[irteus/irtgraph.l] Add clear-open-list in solve-init #622

Open nakane11 opened 2 years ago

nakane11 commented 2 years ago

When I call :solve more than once, solver does not return correct path because unsearched nodes remain in open-list after solver succeeded last time. By doing :clear-open-list at first, solver can start graph-search with start-node.

iory commented 2 years ago


First-time contributors need a maintainer to approve running workflows.

Please approve running workflows to run tests.

knorth55 commented 2 years ago

can you give us small example to reproduce your problem? I'm using graph-solver and I don't encounter the weird situation.

nakane11 commented 2 years ago

test example

(setq gr (instance graph :init))
(dotimes (i 6)
  (send gr :add-node (instance node :init (format nil "~A" i))))
(dotimes (i 5)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to
        (send gr :node (format nil "~A" i)) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (incf i)))))
(dotimes (i 4)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to
        (send gr :node (format nil "~A" i)) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (+ i 2)))))
(dotimes (i 3)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (- 5 i))) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (- 3 i)))))
(send gr :write-to-pdf "test")

(defun test1 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance breadth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test1_1" path1)

    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test1_2" path2)))

(defun test2 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance breadth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test2_1" path1)

    (send sol :clear-open-list)
    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test2_2" path2)))



9.irteusgl$ 0->5
#<node #X55cc260f0628 0>
#<node #X55cc260f06b8 1>
#<node #X55cc260f07a8 3>
#<node #X55cc260f08b0 5>
#<node #X55cc260f0628 0>
#<node #X55cc260f06b8 1>
#<node #X55cc260f07a8 3>
#<node #X55cc260f06b8 1>
#<node #X55cc260f07a8 3>
10.irteusgl$ 0->5
#<node #X55cc260f0628 0>
#<node #X55cc260f06b8 1>
#<node #X55cc260f07a8 3>
#<node #X55cc260f08b0 5>
#<node #X55cc260f0628 0>
#<node #X55cc260f06b8 1>
#<node #X55cc260f07a8 3>
knorth55 commented 2 years ago

when you use depth-first-search, the result is a bit different. but you are right. the weird behavior can be found in my PC, too.

(setq gr (instance graph :init))
(dotimes (i 6)
  (send gr :add-node (instance node :init (format nil "~A" i))))
(dotimes (i 5)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to
        (send gr :node (format nil "~A" i)) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (incf i)))))
(dotimes (i 4)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to
        (send gr :node (format nil "~A" i)) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (+ i 2)))))
(dotimes (i 3)
  (send gr :add-arc-from-to (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (- 5 i))) (send gr :node (format nil "~A" (- 3 i)))))
(send gr :write-to-pdf "test")

(defun test1 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance breadth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test1_1" path1)

    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test1_2" path2)))

(defun test2 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance breadth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test2_1" path1)

    (send sol :clear-open-list)
    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test2_2" path2)))

(defun test3 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance depth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test3_1" path1)

    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test3_2" path2)))

(defun test4 ()
  (let (sol path1 path2)
    (setq sol (instance depth-first-graph-search-solver :init))
    (setq path1 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "5"))
    (format t "0->5~%")
    (dolist (i path1)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test4_1" path1)

    (send sol :clear-open-list)
    (setq path2 (send sol :solve-by-name gr "0" "3"))
    (format t "0->3~%")
    (dolist (i path2)
      (format t "~A~%" (send i :state)))
    (send gr :write-to-pdf "test4_2" path2)))

; (test1)
; (test2)
; (test3)
; (test4)
3.irteusgl$ test3
#<node #X564226c80668 0>
#<node #X564226c806e0 1>
#<node #X564228294d08 3>
#<node #X564228294e10 5>
#<node #X564226c80668 0>
#<node #X564226c806e0 1>
#<node #X564228294d08 3>
4.irteusgl$ test4
#<node #X564226c80668 0>
#<node #X564226c806e0 1>
#<node #X564228294d08 3>
#<node #X564228294e10 5>
#<node #X564226c80668 0>
#<node #X564226c806e0 1>
#<node #X564228294d08 3>

Depth first search (without clear-open-list)


Depth first search (with clear-open-list)


Naoki-Hiraoka commented 2 years ago



一度解を見つけたあと、探索時間に余裕があればより良い解を求めて再度探索するanytime algorithmのようなことをするために、あえて前回の探索結果を残して続きから探索するような形にしたかったのかもしれません。


nakane11 commented 2 years ago



bachward compatibilityは保たれませんが初期化してから探索するのを標準にする場合、:solveにresumeのようなkeyがあるとsolve-initをするかしないか分けられると思います。

Naoki-Hiraoka commented 2 years ago



knorth55 commented 2 years ago


nakane11 commented 2 years ago


k-okada commented 1 year ago

せっかくなので,doc/irtgraph.tex に使い方のサンプルを簡単でいいので書いてくれると助かります @nakane11

nakane11 commented 1 year ago


k-okada commented 1 year ago

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