euzu / m3u-filter

m3u-filter (iptv filter) is an application which can filter/rename/map entries out of a playlist in M3U / XTREAM format and can save/serve it as m3u, xtream or kodi format. It can be used as reverse or redirect proxy for xtream.
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Filter based on item type ( live stream or vod ) #79

Closed SanderM2 closed 1 week ago

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

Right now we cannot filter based on the type, can we? I want to filter groups for live tv and groups for vod differently.

Can this be done already, if so, how?

If not, this is a feature request.

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

hi @SanderM2 do you have a problem like here same group names

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I do indeed have a provider that is using the same category name for VOD and Live TV. I want to filter Live TV and VOD differently and because if that I think it would be nice to have the option to filter based on the item type ( live tv / vod )

For example like this:


SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

Other (related) question: I can add multiple sources to source.yml but I cannot have different filters per source?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Other (related) question: I can add multiple sources to source.yml but I cannot have different filters per source?

Ok i think tehere is a misunderstanding. in source.yml you define templates and sources.

Templates are filter templates which you can reuse multiple times.

A source can have multiple inputs and multiple targets. The filter are defined for a target and applied to the inputs to create a target.

Does this answer your question ?

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

Ok. Sorry, I misunderstood that part. That answers the question.

I was trying to get a selection of channels from source1 and a different selection of source2 into a single target while renaming all groups from source1 and source2 to prefix it with S1 or S2 depending from which source it came from

So, for examlple I want from source 1 groups A B C and from source 2 groups D E F. I want a single target that lists: (S1) A (S1) B (S1) C (S2) D (S2) E (S2) F

But maybe m3u-filter is not disigned for this then?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Ok. Sorry, I misunderstood that part. That answers the question.

I was trying to get a selection of channels from source1 and a different selection of source2 into a single target while renaming all groups from source1 and source2 to prefix it with S1 or S2 depending from which source it came from

So, for examlple I want from source 1 groups A B C and from source 2 groups D E F. I want a single target that lists: (S1) A (S1) B (S1) C (S2) D (S2) E (S2) F

But maybe m3u-filter is not disigned for this then?

This is currently not directly supported, however you could use the Url filter. The Filter condition looks like (Group|Title|Name|Url) ~ "regexp" . This means you could set e filter on the Url. If this does not satisy your needs:

You could add a feature request like : Filter by Source-Input.

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

So, I can do it like this?

  - name: IS_PROV1
    value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<some regex to match>"'
  - name: PROV1_FILTER
    value: >-
      !IS_PROV1! AND <some channel filter regex>
  - name: IS_PROV2
    value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<some regex to match>"'
  - name: PROV2_FILTER
    value: >-
      !IS_PROV2! AND <some channel filter regex>

  - inputs:
      - name: prov1
        type: xtream
        .... rest of xtream config
      - name: prov2
        type: xtream
        .... rest of xtream config

      - name: prov1_target
        filename: playlist_prov1
          - type: xtream
        filter: '!PROV1_FILTER!'
          - { field: group, new_name: (S1) $1, pattern: ^(.*) }
        options: { ignore_logo: true, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_series_direct_source: true}
            order: asc

      - name: prov2_target
        filename: playlist_prov2
          - type: xtream
        filter: '!PROV2_FILTER!'
          - { field: group, new_name: (S2) $1, pattern: ^(.*) }
        options: { ignore_logo: true, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_series_direct_source: true}
            order: asc

But I cannot get them combined in a single target? Actually, I can combine them but the rename feature cat't work for different sources?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

First of all if you use IS_PROV1 or IS_PROV2 only one time you do not need it as template.

Second: the regexp 'Url ~ "https?://"' does not filter anything. it should look like Url ~ "^https?://my\-provider1\.com.*"

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I changed the example in previous post. I did add 'some regex to match' to the url example but it was not showing in github. I changed the example code inside code brackets for github now.

So I think the above will work but am I right that I cannot combine it in a single target?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Yes you can combine to a single target, or multiple targets. You have multiple inputs and multiple targets.

You should use the mapping functionality, it provides much more control over renaming. The rename functionality in source.yml is for very simple renamings.

Btw the mapping allows you to append suffix and prefix.

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I have been reading the about the mapping but didn't quite understand how to do it. Any chance you can create a short example adding to the example I have above?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

I hope this helps: mapping

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

Not really. Can't find any example on how to rename groups using the mapping feature. I't yet unclear to me how to use it so will probably have to check back later when I have more time. I was hoping a small example could help me getting started

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Ok then provide me example names of groups and tell me under which criteria what you expect as result.

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I have this in my source.yml now:

 - name: IS_PROVIDER1
    value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<..removed..>"'
  - name: PROVIDER1
    value: >-

  - name: IS_PROVIDER2
    value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<..removed..>"'
  - name: PROVIDER2
    value: >-

  - inputs:
      - name: prov1
      - name: prov2


      - name: prov1_filtered
        filename: playlist_prov1
          - type: xtream
        filter: '!PROVIDER1!'
          - { field: group, new_name: (S1) $1, pattern: ^(.*) }
        options: { ignore_logo: true, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_series_direct_source: true}
            order: asc

      - name: prov2_filtered
        filename: playlist_prov2
          - type: xtream
        filter: '!PROVIDER2!'
          - { field: group, new_name: (S2) $1, pattern: ^(.*) }
        options: { ignore_logo: true, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_series_direct_source: true}
            order: asc

I can use prov1_filtered or prov2_filtered target in api-proxy.yml and it will list the channel groups like I want ( prepending S1 or S2 in front of it).

I wanted to combine this in a single target so that my client can see all categories prefixed with S1 and S2

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

Ok first: the filter Group ~ "(?i)^(AF|AFG|AL||ANT|AR|ASIA|AT|AZE|BA..... only mathches when the group really has only the name like 'AF', 'AFG' .... and nothing more.

What you want to do is adding prefix for the different sources.

This is done with mapping like this:


        - name: IS_PROVIDER1
          value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<..removed..>"'    
        - name: PROVIDER1
          value: >-
        - name: IS_PROVIDER2
          value: 'Url ~ "https?:\/\/<..removed..>"'
        - name: PROVIDER2
          value: >-

        - id: source-prefix
          match_as_ascii: true
             - filter: "!PROVIDER1!"
               pattern: ".*"
               prefix: (S1)
             - filter: "!PROVIDER2!"
               pattern: ".*"
               prefix: (S2)

and your source.yml should look like

 ... the filter template section from above...

  - inputs:
      - name: prov1
      - name: prov2

      - name: 
        filename: playlist_prov1_and_2
          - type: xtream
          - source-prefix
        filter: '!PROVIDER1! OR !PROVIDER2!'
        options: { ignore_logo: true, xtream_skip_live_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_video_direct_source: true, xtream_skip_series_direct_source: true}
            order: asc

I could not test it, maybe there are some errors, but this is how it shold work.

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

I think in the mapping.yml you only need the !IS_PROVIDER1! and the !IS_PROVIDER2! part of the filter, because the other countries are filtered out with the target filter. I think it is uneccasary to define them in the mapping filter ( mean the NOT ... AM|... part).

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I am still trying to make it work. For some reason I do always see this warning when launching:

[2024-08-26T14:57:52Z WARN m3u_filter::utils::config_reader] cant read mapping file: mapping.yml

But the mapping.yml file is in the current working dir and even specifying it with the -m parameter doesn't help. Permissions are good to.

So maybe I have syntax error? But then it shouldn't tell me it can't read the file ...

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

As soon as I add a mapper entry as show in your example it's failing to load:

             - filter: "!PROVIDER1!"
               pattern: ".*"
               prefix: (S1)

Not throwing any errors except the cant read mapping.yml so I'm stuck here

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

I got it to work. The example had some errors.

Now the last thing I need to figure out is how to get EPG working. Is m3u-filter supposed to fetch epg data from xtream sources without specifically specifying any xmltv.php link in the source configuration?

xtream source should be able to figure the xmltv.php link out on it's own, right?

euzu commented 3 weeks ago

epg is only fetched when you provide an epg url. Why ? The epg is processed and filtered based on the target output.

SanderM2 commented 3 weeks ago

Aha, that makes sense. Ok. I got it working now. Thank you very much mate!

euzu commented 2 weeks ago

i have added a new filter Type = live|vod|series

You can use it like Group ~ "^FR.*" AND Type = vod

SanderM2 commented 1 week ago

I have tested this and can confirm it’s working fine!