ev3dev-python-tools / ev3dev2simulator

Simulator for an EV3 robot; a program using the ev3dev2 API can run both on the rover and on the simulator without any modifications to the code
MIT License
6 stars 9 forks source link

Bug when starting simulator #45

Open Robocup-Programmer-QASMT opened 2 weeks ago

Robocup-Programmer-QASMT commented 2 weeks ago

When starting th sim, I cannot run "ev3dev2simulator". Instead, I have to run " python -m ev3dev2simulator ". I can now run the basic simulation, using demo code. However, I wish to use the simulation for competition field simulation (Junior robocup rescue line secondary). I have no idea how to code in yaml, so I used a png to yaml converted. Yaml couldn't be uploaded. Now I want to use the competition bg to test my line following code (still writing), however I cannot get the sim to run with the background. I have gone as far to remove all other backgrounds from the config folder (i cloned the repo) and just insert my one, with the same name as the default. How can I do this, using the python cmd. Otherwise it just says no such file or executable.

Robocup-Programmer-QASMT commented 2 weeks ago

Error codes:

'ev3dev2simulator' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\lucas>python -m ev3dev2simulator
Listening for connections...
Please connect brick "brick1" from robot "robot0"
C:\Users\lucas>python -m ev3dev2simulator -t config_small
Listening for connections...
Please connect brick "brick1" from robot "robot0"

This is config_small: `--- version: 1.0 image: name: /home/videosdownloader/public_html/image/public/uploadt/Slide1.PNG baseName: Slide1.PNG format: PNG formatDescription: PNG mimeType: image/png class: DirectClass geometry: width: 1280 height: 720 x: 0 y: 0

  x: 37.79
  y: 37.79

  x: 33.8714
  y: 19.0527

units: PixelsPerCentimeter
type: TrueColor
baseType: Undefined
endianness: Undefined
colorspace: sRGB
depth: 8
baseDepth: 8
  red: 8
  green: 8
  blue: 1

pixels: 2764800
    min: 0
    max: 255
    mean: 239.894
    median: 255
    standardDeviation: 13415.3
    kurtosis: 11.0477
    skewness: -3.5083
    entropy: 0.10152

    min: 0
    max: 255
    mean: 237.268
    median: 255
    standardDeviation: 15198.3
    kurtosis: 8.09614
    skewness: -3.13921
    entropy: 0.101135

    min: 0
    max: 255
    mean: 243.312
    median: 255
    standardDeviation: 11282.2
    kurtosis: 19.1202
    skewness: -4.34535
    entropy: 0.101776

    min: 0
    max: 255
    mean: 239.103
    median: 255
    standardDeviation: 13765.6
    kurtosis: 9.39379
    skewness: -3.27752
    entropy: 0.101649

renderingIntent: Perceptual
gamma: 0.45455
    x: 0.64
    y: 0.33

    x: 0.3
    y: 0.6

    x: 0.15
    y: 0.06

    x: 0.3127
    y: 0.329

matteColor: #BDBDBD
backgroundColor: #FFFFFF
borderColor: #DFDFDF
transparentColor: #00000000
interlace: None
intensity: Undefined
compose: Over
  width: 1280
  height: 720
  x: 0
  y: 0

dispose: Undefined
iterations: 0
compression: Zip
orientation: Undefined
  "date:create": "2024-06-09T04:03:04+00:00"
  "date:modify": "2024-06-09T04:03:04+00:00"
  "png:cHRM": chunk was found (see Chromaticity, above)
  "png:gAMA": gamma=0.45455 (See Gamma, above)
  "png:IHDR.bit-depth-orig": 8
  "png:IHDR.bit_depth": 8
  "png:IHDR.color-type-orig": 2
  "png:IHDR.color_type": 2 (Truecolor)
  "png:IHDR.interlace_method": 0 (Not interlaced)
  "png:IHDR.width,height": 1280, 720
  "png:pHYs": x_res=3779, y_res=3779, units=1
  "png:sRGB": intent=0 (Perceptual Intent)
  signature: cb7a5f6edc49b0721073028be4d447d1d8dbbce50983a3c993215e851f968460

tainted: false
filesize: 68915B
numberPixels: 921600
pixelsPerSecond: 25.3401MB
userTime: 0.030u
elapsedTime: 0:01.036
version: "ImageMagick 7.0.10-58 Q16 x86_64 2021-01-14 https://imagemagick.org"

... `