ev3dev / brickstrap

Tool for bootstrapping Debian and creating bootable image files for embedded systems
MIT License
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Move documentation to wiki #31

Closed dlech closed 7 years ago

dlech commented 8 years ago

We are getting so many features, I'm thinking it would be better to turn on the wiki here rather than trying to cram everything into the readme. Thoughts?

GitHub Pages or ReadTheDocs are possibilities too.

cmacq2 commented 8 years ago

May be worth it. I'd avoid making it complex: there are not all that many technical topics we really need to address:

Further thoughts:

The current brickstrap code already reserves a docs/ subtree for this purpose (it forbids -p docs or equivalent). Instead of a single monolithic readme we should probably have multiple markdown files dedicated to separate topics and then simply cross reference them from the (top level) readme.

That also goes someway to the TL;DR effect a long readme might have on new users.

Related: it might be wortwhile to investigate using something like pandoc to convert these *.md files into manpages.

dlech commented 8 years ago

I was actually thinking the same thing about using markdown in the git tree so that it is readable on GitHub and using something to convert it to man pages that can be included in the debian package. I had a look at pandoc and it looks like a good choice for this. FYI, I've moved the project definition (there is only one now) to a projects/ subfolder, so the check for docs on -p is probably no longer necessary.

dlech commented 7 years ago

pandoc is the winner