ev3dev / brickstrap

Tool for bootstrapping Debian and creating bootable image files for embedded systems
MIT License
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Can't Boot Into Image #68

Closed keenanjohnson closed 3 years ago

keenanjohnson commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to get the image boot set up, but I can't seem to get in.

I'm using a Ubuntu VM on Parrellels.

parallels@parallels-Parallels-Virtual-Platform:~$ sudo docker run --rm -it ev3 su -l robot standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"

dlech commented 4 years ago

you need to install qemu-user-static in Ubuntu.

keenanjohnson commented 4 years ago

yes that worked! Thanks!

keenanjohnson commented 4 years ago

Is it normal to get these QEMU errors?

parallels@parallels-Parallels-Virtual-Platform:~$ sudo docker run --rm -it ev3 su -l robot
[sudo] password for parallels: 
robot@0e39ee6f3cca:~$ sudo apt-get update
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 47
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 48
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 43
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 47
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 48
Unknown host QEMU_IFLA type: 43
dlech commented 4 years ago

you probably need to configure a DNS server in /etc/resolve.conf