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ev3dev-buster #1074

Open dlech opened 6 years ago

dlech commented 6 years ago

Collecting some notes here:

Debian buster will be released sometime in 2019: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/04/msg00006.html

The armel architecture (used on EV3) is likely to be dropped from official Debian support: https://release.debian.org/buster/arch_qualify.html

jabrena commented 6 years ago

Yes, you have reason with the forecast, Debian releases every 2 years: https://wiki.debian.org/DebianReleases?action=show&redirect=DebianRelease#Production_Releases

But Debian Stretch is LTS and the support will finish in 2022 and Lego should release a new product in 2020 so we could have time to move to BullEye with the new product. https://wiki.debian.org/DebianBullseye

Lego Mindstorms Timeline:

  1. January 1998: Lego Mindstorms RCX
  2. August 2006: Lego Mindstorms NXT (After 8 years)
  3. January 2013: Lego Mindstorms EV3 (After 7 years)
  4. January 2020: ?? (After 7 years)

Source: https://www.lego.com/en-us/mindstorms/history

Juan Antonio

dlech commented 5 years ago

First ev3dev-buster snapshots are out: https://oss.jfrog.org/list/oss-snapshot-local/org/ev3dev/brickstrap/2019-03-04/

jabrena commented 5 years ago

Any change in the EV3Dev interface?

dlech commented 5 years ago

not yet...

jabrena commented 5 years ago

Maybe we should not change the interface until Stretch is official. It requires many changes and it could be better to have some documentation for the migration or at least, the list of issues affecting the interface.

dlech commented 5 years ago

There are no plans to make any changes to stretch.

dlech commented 5 years ago

Latest news says armel (and armhf) will be in buster.


PythonAtSea commented 3 years ago

Lego has announced the 4th gen Lego Mindstrorms here