eva3 / Evangelion--3.0-Translation

Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo. (ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q) translation
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Create Intro Evangelion 3.0 BD #63

Closed rdlook04 closed 10 years ago

rdlook04 commented 11 years ago

This is are the Subs Extracted from the BD-Disc

Estos son los subtitulos extraidos desde el BD

rdlook04 commented 11 years ago

Traducidos con Star21.com

1 00:00:38,584 --> 00:00:41,251 (Her "female voices) "Last night it was]

2 00:00:41,834 --> 00:00:46,751 Q I? living condo L. College student brother Ka Isuzu today. "

3 00:00:47,001 --> 00:00:51,126 Q home even months younger brother Isuzu my room L. What it went Ka 丶 a Ka 丶 cum had in?

4 00:00:51,293 --> 00:00:53,751 Q my Berry ' and SEO de Ka and 丶 under anti mosquito 丶 Placed L 丶 てぁる space this one?

5 00:00:53,834 --> 00:00:57,376 [Little brother Ka Isuzu L 丶 u feel spectacle Ka Isuzu なんカ 丶 wonders?

6 00:00:57,584 --> 00:00:58,876 "Brother say?

7 00:01:01,709 --> 00:01:04,376 "What this child drunk out L further out of?"

8 00:01:06,793 --> 00:01:08,709 Q NAA I had what saying shall I's? "

9 00:01:08,834 --> 00:01:11,209 Q it ne ' and choose SEO Ka of 丶 Yojiya hoax story be? "

10 00:01:11,334 --> 00:01:15,543 [信じん you? Far 丿 Isuzu powers such as mosquitoes 丶 cum right? "

11 00:01:20,543 --> 00:01:22,918 [Train whistle]

12 00:01:30,834 --> 00:01:35,501 (Her "voice of) q brother L strainer Ka 丶 blind L 丶 boys and When two people ~ Ka directed by J 丶 L 丶 fits L 丶 made?

13 00:01:35,626 --> 00:01:39,709 Q but never such a thing saying trap L 丶. a Thought why mosquitoes 丶 ' terrifies me? RAND? q but never like this that said trap L 丶. a I think Ka 丶 ' makes me afraid?

14 00:01:40,668 --> 00:01:42,959 Q what NAA I was who? "

15 00:01:45,876 --> 00:01:47,126 Q L 丶 scare?

16 00:01:47,668 --> 00:01:50,084 "Curiously Ka Isuzu KIA this shall be Jin 丶.]

17 00:01:50,293 --> 00:01:53,043 "But it ' ' Remember behoove was it?

18 00:01:53,209 --> 00:01:57,293 Q strange Kinky things happens?

19 00:01:57,626 --> 00:01:58,918 "Brother Ka Isuzu say?

20 00:02:03,501 --> 00:02:07,709 "Let me get My back cover Isuzu tingle?

21 00:02:07,876 --> 00:02:11,293 "He normally same as L 丶. Absolute and f. 丶 and L 丶?

22 00:02:11,959 --> 00:02:17,209 "My feet f Isuzu starts to shiver Brother f. Isuzu laugh a little?

23 00:02:26,043 --> 00:02:30,043 Q and as With Sulz's ' SEO and thin a ~ J la Xiao be?

24 00:02:30,668 --> 00:02:33,459 〔 Sonorous bass.

25 00:02:36,501 --> 00:02:38,251 [Train whistle]

26 00:02:56,376 --> 00:03:01,293 (Woman ' voice of) q I L. late last night snake out L. And I and tell behoove was said?

27 00:03:01,501 --> 00:03:04,959 "More loudly Screaming flea Isuzu behoove was it?

28 00:03:05,418 --> 00:03:10,501 [Mosquito now lives in city Isuzu and no more Ka 丶 L 丶 none of Ka everyday Isuzu lost and Ka 丶]

29 00:03:10,876 --> 00:03:13,418 Q common L production by looking How to say? "

30 00:03:14,376 --> 00:03:19,918 "But so much more alert F. notification of such 丶 L 丶 ・place L 丶]

31 00:03:24,084 --> 00:03:29,084 "Mosquito calamity itself Isuzu ' On standing in front of me now, Isuzu's?

32 00:03:32,418 --> 00:03:33,876 [Jin 丶 shall be landing sound and scene]

33 00:03:38,334 --> 00:03:40,918 (Girls ' voices of) ' Q warehouse = c owner ~ Ka well 丶 screaming J months Isuzu God L do L 丶]

34 00:03:41,043 --> 00:03:43,251 "Prayer and my hope L 丶" hear J notification group?

35 00:03:43,334 --> 00:03:47,001 Q Ka 丶 a US presence ープカ Isuzu God and L 丶 wow group even a L 丶?

36 00:03:48,959 --> 00:03:53,876 "Tremendous catastrophes Ka Isuzu form similar to the human Sky Ka 丶 et stopover ~ J had made?

37 00:03:54,209 --> 00:03:56,084 <and Ru over 丶 I or our L number L>

38 00:03:57,376 --> 00:04:00,126 "Fear only months Isuzu nature of God?

39 00:04:00,751 --> 00:04:04,251 <One example power furnace harm this L our own or humans L mosquito 丶 from a>

40 00:04:04,376 --> 00:04:07,418 "To take away the life L MoE Hands together?

41 00:04:07,543 --> 00:04:10,793 Q to Kinji wallet LJ worship to pray?

42 00:04:15,543 --> 00:04:19,543 ] [Sa~ire far] 〔遠くのサィレ〕〕

43 00:04:20,834 --> 00:04:24,459 sudden staff "level one aspiration of [car

44 00:04:29,043 --> 00:04:31,584 [shear 'evening one sound sour 〔クラクシヨン〕 ce]

45 00:04:31,834 --> 00:04:34,668 髑 J] voice to such [

46 00:04:42,459 --> 00:04:45,043 [Kurakushiyon ]

47 00:04:50,209 --> 00:04:52,751 The [J 髑 voice such]

48 00:05:00,668 --> 00:05:02,918 [The voice such 髑 J]

49 00:05:04,709 --> 00:05:07,168 [sound issue 髑丿 put stone wrapped only]

50 00:05:08,793 --> 00:05:11,584 [discharge sound of one system staff "囗 Bok Nbi]

51 00:05:12,834 --> 00:05:16,668 [explosion sound of one system] [Sign "囗 Bok Nbi

52 00:05:16,834 --> 00:05:18,501 [P. "awl choose team 1 MB sound]

53 00:05:29,376 --> 00:05:31,751 [explosion]

54 00:05:38,418 --> 00:05:44,043 sound explosion sound] a [large

55 00:06:02,876 --> 00:06:06,418 The sound Sim Ki] [metallized Isuzu

56 00:06:14,501 --> 00:06:16,793 The [deep-丶爆 pronunciation to]

57 00:06:32,043 --> 00:06:34,418 (Her "female voices) Q world L. L. mosquito life span Isuzu step here?

58 00:06:36,043 --> 00:06:38,793 Q's [this us L this leave it too?

59 00:06:39,376 --> 00:06:42,584 Q world Ka Isuzu da 'Ratha' La and Survival is so ープ?

60 00:06:43,084 --> 00:06:46,293 Q world L. 強弓-L. Recall I L 丶 Urusei Yatsura]

61 00:06:49,209 --> 00:06:50,793 "At that time we L."

62 00:06:50,918 --> 00:06:54,126 [All months Isuzu to order over And I end up know?

63 00:06:57,001 --> 00:07:01,959 "But... we L paralysis meet from Cascade ーな live mosquitoes were 丶 cum did's]

64 00:07:05,584 --> 00:07:08,418 Q like to end the world, Ka 丶 Ivy's?

65 00:07:23,376 --> 00:07:27,126 Q warehouse = c God L. seven days in between The world y Muro winded L 丶?

66 00:07:30,043 --> 00:07:34,001 "Our own world L. L 丶 course that has made things?

67 00:07:44,709 --> 00:07:49,751 "This style L this-Shun L strain L 丶 ro L 丶 filtrate Broken L 丶 asked this tubes look WH? This difference L 丶 Ru L 丶時 between Isuzu mosquito mosquito mosquito 丶 丶 from the same <>

68 00:07:50,084 --> 00:07:51,334 Q had 丿 Michelle wheat got it's breaking shall be one?

69 00:07:51,418 --> 00:07:54,626 Q also et L 丶 time Ka Isuzu Ka Ka 丶 丶. [this A difference L 丶 L 丶?

70 00:07:56,501 --> 00:07:59,418 Q fire cover Isuzu breaking world L. 丶 months seven months if 丶?

71 00:07:59,543 --> 00:08:02,084 "It (Club escape AIG ' similes are also aware?

72 00:08:02,876 --> 00:08:05,459 <escape the probe' what power 〈逃ーブ'ろ 生き延びろ〉 丶 to know the will of Nante

73 00:08:05,668 --> 00:08:08,334 "New world of L 丶 Yourself warehouse = and ~. L 丶 L 丶 I's?

74 00:08:13,043 --> 00:08:16,334 World will know what powers and 丶?

75 00:08:16,543 --> 00:08:19,293 "Feeling God cares what powers and 丶]

76 00:08:20,709 --> 00:08:25,459 Q in the world ends I D "out there L places wanted to entertain a Ka Isuzu from?

77 00:08:25,584 --> 00:08:28,668 Q I ~ well alive AIG missed ' a month Isuzu et waiting L 丶.]

78 00:08:31,876 --> 00:08:36,334 "Before the coming of the new world Giant flames cover Isuzu coming?

79 00:08:36,459 --> 00:08:39,751 [Stone enveloped himself with 髑 丿 sounds]

80 00:08:39,918 --> 00:08:42,418 [P. "firing sound for 囗 choose team 1 MB]

81 00:08:48,876 --> 00:10:06,543 Degenerate

82 00:10:57,751 --> 00:10:59,584 [Wireless-is sound.

83 00:10:59,709 --> 00:11:03,334 Wheat alarming Guan road sardine group Gu machines present Zhuang freeboard Hsuan oats report suffering

84 00:11:03,584 --> 00:11:06,376 閤 women smoke o ^ "Les overnight one-podcasts がツ overnight ' ッシヱ Zha Jiang against advanced 丿 your Solstice "were

85 00:11:06,543 --> 00:11:08,043 Planned goods road 丿 please h. squared (PVC figure)

Pero cuando yo mismo intento traducir al español el sentido se va perdiendo. sobre todo cuando se refiere a Mosquitos, (el cual creo que se refiere a el Angel)