evadne / DayFlow

iOS Date Picker + Infinite Scrolling
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Added a delegate callback to allow the picker to show activity on a given date. #2

Closed simonmaddox closed 11 years ago

simonmaddox commented 11 years ago

Like the iOS calendar app:

screen shot 2013-05-03 at 17 43 05

Don't mind if you decide not to accept the Pull Request. DayFlow is perfect for something I'm working on, but needed this tiny tweak. I figured I'd send it back in case you want it.


evadne commented 11 years ago


I think this patch might not work too well because DayFlow uses this logic:

Drawing the activity into the image will change how the day shows up in each month, and generally will not be what you want. DayFlow should have the drawing parts refactored into a class method to avoid confusion. Instead, one way around this is to implement the day activity dot as a separate subview — think about something like this:

@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) UIImageView *activityDot;

then, in your cell subclass, look at -layoutSubviews and say:

self.activityDot.hidden = !self.hasActivity;

and then implement the - (void) setHasActivity:(BOOL)flag setter:

- (void) setHasActivity:(BOOL)flag {
    _hasActivity = flag;
    [self setNeedsLayout];

then, make sure you are using a custom subclass of DFDatePickerView, and do this:

- (DFDatePickerDayCell *) collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
    DFDatePickerDayCell *cell = [super collectionView:collectionView cellForItemAtIndexPath:indexPath];
    cell.hasActivity = [self hasActivityForPickerDate:cell.date];
    return cell;

Note that internally, DayFlow uses a DFDatePickerDate struct to save time. If your custom code determining whether a certain date has activities uses NSDate internally, you can use [DFDatePickerView dateFromPickerDate:] — currently a private method — to get a fresh NSDate object from that picker date.

Thanks for using DayFlow and please let me know your thoughts.