evait-security / wami-templates

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Please add https://en.kali.tools/all/ to the lake. #14

Closed NxtTAB closed 3 months ago

NxtTAB commented 12 months ago

This will take some time.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

0d1n is excluded from the list because the link to the github repo does not exist.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

0trace.py is excluded from the list because the download link is archived and the pipx install dos not work.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added 3proxy to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

3proxy-win32 is excluded from the lake, because it is the same as 3proxy, which has been added to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

42zip is excluded from the lake, because it has a disturbing German webpage with no download link.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

a2sv is excluded from the lake because the github repo has been archived and is no longer active, but it is a SSL vulnerability scanner.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added abcd to the lake an ActionScript Byte Code Disassembler.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added abuse-ssl-bypass-waf to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added acccheck - a smb passowrd dictionary attack tool to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Excluded ace, because of compile errors in the build process.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Excluded aclpwn, because there is no link to the website and no download link.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Excluded activedirectoryenum, because there is no link to the website and no download link.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added ad-ldap-enum an LDAP based Active Directory enumeration tool to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added adapte-script to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude adenum, because there is no link to the project and there in on download link.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added adfind - Admin Panel Finder to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude adfspray, because there is no link and no download link for the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude adidnsdump, because there is no link and no download link for the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added ADM DNS spoofing tools to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added Admin Page Finder Script to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude admsnmp, because there is no link and no download link for the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude aesfix, because there is no link and no download link for the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added aespipe to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude aesshell, because there is no link and no download link for the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude afflib, because the webpage link is a porn site. Nothing to download.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added the American Fuzzy Lop to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude American Fuzzy Lop community, because there are no links to the webpage or the download file.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude afpfs-ng from the lake, because the link is brocken.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added agafi (Advanced Gadget Finder) to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added against an ssh attacking script to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added aggroargs an exploitation fuzzer to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added the Ai Engine to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Exclude aimage, because the url is no the corect link.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added aiodnsbrute the Async DNS Brute to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added air Automated Image and Restore tool to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added aircrack-ng to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added airflood to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added airgeddon a multi-use script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Excluded airgraph-ng the link points to aircrack-ng webpage and that one is already included.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added Airopy to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Excluded airoscript, because the link to the website is down and there is no link to download the program.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added Airpwn to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added AJPFuzzer to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added Albatar to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added allthevhost to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added altdns to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added amass to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added amber to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added amoco to the lake.

NxtTAB commented 11 months ago

Added analyzeMFT to the lake.