eval / deps-try

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No such var: fs/xdg-data-home when trying specific dep #23

Closed jeroenvandijk closed 9 months ago

jeroenvandijk commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your work Gert! :)

Found a small issue with a specific repo that I wanted to try. I wanted to try Squint and I found a weird interaction with the babashka/fs dependency. A work around is to add the dep manually (deps-try babashka/fs io.github.squint-cljs/squint). I don't see yet what the cause is though. A shell session below.

(FYI, I installed deps-try via bbin install io.github.eval/deps-try, works fine, after finding the error I also tried the other ways, but that was not it).

Shell session:

➜ bb version
babashka v1.3.184

➜ deps-try -v
deps-try-dev v0.8.0

➜ deps-try io.github.squint-cljs/squint
Syntax error compiling at (eval/deps_try/try.clj:115:30).
No such var: fs/xdg-data-home

Full report at:

➜ deps-try babashka/fs io.github.squint-cljs/squint

[Rebel readline] Type :repl/help for online help info
user=> (require 'squint.compiler)
WARNING: *repl* already refers to: #'clojure.core/*repl* in namespace: squint.compiler-common, being replaced by: #'squint.compiler-common/*repl*
user=> (squint.compiler/compile-string (pr-str '(fn [e] "hello")))
"import * as squint_core from 'squint-cljs/core.js';\nfunction (e) {\nreturn \"hello\";\n};\n"
eval commented 1 year ago

Hey @jeroenvandijk, thanks for bringing this up! This should be fixed on unstable/v0.9.0-pre.1

eval commented 9 months ago

Released in v0.9.0