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Child.t dies with Strawberry Perl #203

Open dhorne opened 12 years ago

dhorne commented 12 years ago

The second test in Child.t causes Strawberry Perl to die. I wonder if it's worthwhile skipping these tests on Windows (I haven't tested with ActiveState Perl)

exodist commented 12 years ago

This may be fixed by synchronizing the tests from the Child suite into the perl5i suite. I will look into this when I am at a computer (on phone atm)

exodist commented 12 years ago

I synchronized the tests from Child.pm into perl5i. Please checkout the latest git version and see if it builds for you, I currently have no access to a windows box. However the Child.pm tests passed on stawberry, activestate, and cygwin last I checked. However there was an issue a while back where something in perl5i break fork() on win32, Child.pm would be broken as a consequence, not sure what happened with that.

schwern commented 12 years ago

Is this still a problem in v2.9.0?

dhorne commented 11 years ago

Sorry for not replying sooner. I've just tried v2.10.0, and unfortunately, there are more errors now. Let me know fi you'd like me to log them as separate issues...

Running Build for M/MS/MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz Has already been unwrapped into directory U:\bin\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.1 0.0-hblWMW

CPAN.pm: Going to build M/MS/MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz

Building perl5i MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz U:\bin\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe ./Build -- OK Running Build test t/ARGV.t ..................... ok t/ARGV_twice.t ............... ok t/CLASS.t .................... ok t/Child.t .................... Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500) All 1 subtests passed t/English.t .................. ok t/File-stat.t ................ ok t/List-MoreUtils/all.t ....... ok t/List-MoreUtils/any.t ....... ok t/List-MoreUtils/false.t ..... ok t/List-MoreUtils/mesh.t ...... ok t/List-MoreUtils/minmax.t .... ok t/List-MoreUtils/none.t ...... ok t/List-MoreUtils/true.t ...... ok t/List-MoreUtils/uniq.t ...... ok t/List-Util/first.t .......... ok t/List-Util/max.t ............ ok t/List-Util/maxstr.t ......... ok t/List-Util/min.t ............ ok t/List-Util/minstr.t ......... ok t/List-Util/reduce.t ......... ok t/List-Util/shuffle.t ........ ok t/List-Util/sum.t ............ ok t/Meta/ISA.t ................. ok t/Meta/checksum.t ............ ok t/Meta/class.t ............... ok t/Meta/id.t .................. ok t/Meta/is-equal.t ............ ok t/Meta/linear_isa.t .......... Subroutine Child::confess redefined at U:/bin/myp erl/perl/lib/Exporter.pm line 64. at (eval 169) line 3 Subroutine Child::carp redefined at U:/bin/myperl/perl/lib/Exporter.pm line 64. at (eval 169) line 3 Subroutine Child::croak redefined at U:/bin/myperl/perl/lib/Exporter.pm line 64.

at (eval 169) line 3 t/Meta/linear_isa.t .......... ok t/Meta/methods.t ............. ok t/Meta/reftype.t ............. ok t/Meta/super.t ............... 1/?

Failed test at t/Meta/super.t line 77.

got: 'super() called outside a method at U:\bin\myperl\cpan\build\per

l5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/Meta.pm line 119.


expected: 'super() called outside a method at t/Meta/super.t line 76.


Failed test at t/Meta/super.t line 96.

got: '"NotAParent" is not a parent class of "Child" at U:\bin\myperl\

cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/Meta.pm line 123.


expected: '"NotAParent" is not a parent class of "Child" at t/Meta/super.t

line 90.


Looks like you failed 2 tests of 8.

t/Meta/super.t ............... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/8 subtests t/Meta/symbol_table.t ........ ok t/Want.t ..................... ok t/alias.t .................... ok t/as_hash.t .................. ok t/autobox.t .................. ok t/autodie.t .................. ok t/autovivification.t ......... ok t/caller.t ................... ok t/can.t ...................... ok t/capture.t .................. ok t/carp.t ..................... ok t/center.t ................... 1/?

Failed test at t/center.t line 30.

found warning: Use of uninitialized value for size in center() at U:\bin\myper

l\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/SCALAR.pm line 19.

expected to find warning: (?-xism:^Use of uninitialized value for size in cent

er() at t\/center.t line )

Failed test at t/center.t line 44.

found warning: '-=-' is longer than one character, using '-' instead at U:\bin

\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/SCALAR.pm line 26.

expected to find warning: (?-xism:^'-=-' is longer than one character, using '

-' instead at t\/center.t line )

Looks like you failed 2 tests of 29.

t/center.t ................... Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200) Failed 2/29 subtests t/chdir.t .................... ok t/command_line_wrapper.t ..... 2/? "blib\script\perl5i.bat" unexpectedly returne d exit value 255 at (eval 126) line 13 at t/command_line_wrapper.t line 25

Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.

t/command_line_wrapper.t ..... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) All 2 subtests passed t/commify.t .................. ok t/datetime.t ................. ok t/die.t ...................... ok t/diff.t ..................... ok t/dump/array.t ............... ok t/dump/code.t ................ ok t/dump/hash.t ................ ok t/dump/obj.t ................. ok t/dump/scalar.t .............. ok t/each.t ..................... ok t/equal.t .................... ok t/everything_is_an_object.t .. ok t/flip.t ..................... ok t/foreach.t .................. 3/?

Failed test at t/foreach.t line 55.

got: 'Function passed to foreach takes no arguments at U:\bin\myperl\

cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 19.


expected: 'Function passed to foreach takes no arguments at t/foreach.t li

ne 54.


Looks like you failed 1 test of 6.

t/foreach.t .................. Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/6 subtests t/github164.t ................ ok t/grep.t ..................... ok t/hash-diff.t ................ ok t/hash-intersect.t ........... ok t/hash-merge.t ............... ok t/intersect.t ................ ok t/io-handle.t ................ ok t/is_module_name.t ........... ok t/lexical.t .................. ok t/list-trim.t ................ ok t/list.t ..................... ok t/load_together.t ............ ok t/map.t ...................... ok t/method_leaking.t ........... ok t/modern_perl.t .............. ok t/module2path.t .............. ok t/no_indirect.t .............. ok t/number.t ................... ok t/perl5i.t ................... 1/? "U:\bin\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe" unexpectedl y returned exit value 255 at (eval 126) line 13 at t/perl5i.t line 14

Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.

t/perl5i.t ................... Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00) All 3 subtests passed t/pick.t ..................... 1/?

Failed test at t/pick.t line 77.

'pick() takes the number of elements to pick at U:\bin\myper

l\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 55.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^pick()\ takes\ the\ number\ of\ elements\ to\ pi

ck\ at\ t\/pick.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/pick.t line 83.

'pick() takes a positive integer or zero, not '-20' at U:\bi

n\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 57.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^pick()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\,\

not\ \'-20\'\ at\ t\/pick.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/pick.t line 89.

'pick() takes a positive integer or zero, not 'rawr' at U:\b

in\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 57.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^pick()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\,\

not\ \'rawr\'\ at\ t\/pick.t\ line\ )'

Looks like you failed 3 tests of 22.

t/pick.t ..................... Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/22 subtests t/popn.t ..................... t/popn.t ..................... 1/? # Failed test at t/popn.t line 11.

'popn() takes the number of elements to pop at U:\bin\myperl

\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 102.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^popn()\ takes\ the\ number\ of\ elements\ to\ po

p\ at\ t\/popn.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/popn.t line 17.

'popn() takes a positive integer or zero, not '-20' at U:\bi

n\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 104.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^popn()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\,\

not\ \'-20\'\ at\ t\/popn.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/popn.t line 23.

'popn() takes a positive integer or zero, not 'rawr' at U:\b

in\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 104.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^popn()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\,\

not\ \'rawr\'\ at\ t\/popn.t\ line\ )'

Looks like you failed 3 tests of 11.

t/popn.t ..................... Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/11 subtests t/require.t .................. ok t/require_message.t .......... ok t/say.t ...................... ok t/scalar.t ................... ok t/shiftn.t ................... t/shiftn.t ................... 1/? # Failed test at t/shiftn.t line 11.

'shiftn() takes the number of elements to shift at U:\bin\my

perl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 115.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^shiftn()\ takes\ the\ number\ of\ elements\ to\

shift\ at\ t\/shiftn.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/shiftn.t line 17.

'shiftn() takes a positive integer or zero, not '-20' at U:\

bin\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 117.


doesn't match '(?-xism:^shiftn()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\

,\ not\ \'-20\'\ at\ t\/shiftn.t\ line\ )'

Failed test at t/shiftn.t line 23.

'shiftn() takes a positive integer or zero, not 'meow' at U:

\bin\myperl\cpan\build\perl5i-v2.10.0-hblWMW\blib\lib/perl5i/2/ARRAY.pm line 117 .


doesn't match '(?-xism:^shiftn()\ takes\ a\ positive\ integer\ or\ zero\

,\ not\ \'meow\'\ at\ t\/shiftn.t\ line\ )'

Looks like you failed 3 tests of 11.

t/shiftn.t ................... Dubious, test returned 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) Failed 3/11 subtests t/signature.t ................ ok t/signatures.t ............... ok t/taint.t .................... ok t/time_compat.t .............. ok t/true.t ..................... ok t/try-tiny.t ................. ok t/uniq.t ..................... ok t/utf8.t ..................... ok t/version_0/00_compile.t ..... skipped: Needs Time::y2038 t/version_1/00_compile.t ..... skipped: Needs Time::y2038 t/vs_listmoreutils.t ......... ok t/wrap.t ..................... ok t/y2038.t .................... ok

Test Summary Report

t/Child.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 1 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 5 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/Meta/super.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 8 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 6, 8 Non-zero exit status: 2 t/center.t (Wstat: 512 Tests: 29 Failed: 2) Failed tests: 8, 13 Non-zero exit status: 2 t/command_line_wrapper.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 2 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/foreach.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 6 Failed: 1) Failed test: 6 Non-zero exit status: 1 t/perl5i.t (Wstat: 65280 Tests: 3 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 255 Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output t/pick.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 22 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 16-18 Non-zero exit status: 3 t/popn.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 11 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 1-3 Non-zero exit status: 3 t/shiftn.t (Wstat: 768 Tests: 11 Failed: 3) Failed tests: 1-3 Non-zero exit status: 3 Files=98, Tests=1110, 156 wallclock secs ( 1.56 usr + 0.87 sys = 2.43 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 9/98 test programs. 14/1110 subtests failed. MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz U:\bin\myperl\perl\bin\perl.exe ./Build test -- NOT OK //hint// to see the cpan-testers results for installing this module, try: reports MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz Running Build install make test had returned bad status, won't install without force Failed during this command: MSCHWERN/perl5i-v2.10.0.tar.gz : make_test NO

schwern commented 11 years ago

Ouch. Something appears to have gone wrong with Carp. Fortunately that means all that is really one issue.

Log that as a separate issue please. Note what version of Strawberry that was, and what version of Carp.