evaleev / libint

Libint: high-performance library for computing Gaussian integrals in quantum mechanics
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Add SONAME/SOVERSION to generated library #231

Closed mbanck closed 6 months ago

mbanck commented 2 years ago

Fixes #229

loriab commented 2 years ago

Might be more robust to pull from https://github.com/evaleev/libint/blob/master/configure.ac#L3 akin to https://gitlab.com/libxc/libxc/-/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L125-135 and https://gitlab.com/libxc/libxc/-/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L473-474 .

I don't think the VERSION here should be the current:revision:age https://cmake.org/pipermail/cmake-developers/2016-December/029695.html . Would just the SOVERSION be ok?

mbanck commented 2 years ago

Well current:revision:age is terribly convoluted and maps to some x.y.z number scheme (see the libxc Gitlab link; the [2:3:0] in libint's configure.ac maps to 2.0.3). It is my understanding that VERSION is supposed to be that x.y.z (see e.g. https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-buildsystem/2008-April/004543.html) and SOVERSION the SONAME number encoded in the library (accessible via objdump -x | grep SONAME), and also the single-number API-level .x ending which gets symlinked.

I didn't realize the top-level configure.ac still has the libint_so_version; as this one did not get bumped for 2.7.1, I guess VERSION should be 2.0.3 then, not 2.0.4 as in this PR.

Also note that libxc does not seem to use ${PROJECT_NAME}_SOVERSION at all in its build system (other than to output it during configuring) and it is setting SOVERSION to ${PROJECT_NAME}_SOMAJOR in https://gitlab.com/libxc/libxc/-/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L474 consistent with what this PR is doing.

mbanck commented 2 years ago

One more comment: As configure.ac is (to the best of my knowledge) not being pulled into the exported generated library tarball, it cannot be used by CMake similar to what LibXC does, that information just isn;t available I think.

Also, I guess the future is all-CMake, so this is a stop-gap measure. I would agree that it is pretty brittle if we would have to use it for a long time and always remember to bump the library version in both places, but this sounds like a one-off (or two-off) think, famous last words...

evaleev commented 2 years ago

@mbanck thanks ... I tried to understand what VERSION and SOVERSION are supposed to be (CMake's dox are no bueno) but I am still not sure about the best-practices:

StefanBruens commented 1 year ago
* I gave up on API/ABI version tracking in this and other projects because it is far too easy to change the ABI (plus it is unrealistic to test ABI, etc.). Libint library's API/ABI is very stable but I cannot guarantee that it has only changed twice (is that what `SOVERSION 2` means?) ... also: the `SOVERSION` implies library configuration (max AM, etc.) so if those change in the future `SOVERSION` would have to change?

SOVERSION is part of the SONAME. It should be bumped at least every time the ABI changes in a not-backwards compatible way. In case symbols are not versioned (e.g. using a linker version script, as is the case here), the SOVERSION should also be bumped every time the ABI is changed in a backwards compatible way (e.g. when adding new functions).

The library configuration is an orhogonal aspect. IMHO each configuration should have a different SONAME, and multiple libraries could be installed in parallel. According to https://github.com/evaleev/libint/issues/190, there are 20 different configurations, though only 5 seem to be actually used. E.g. psi4 could link to libint2_gss.

evaleev commented 6 months ago

@loriab bumping this to revisit in the light of planned use of Libint2_CONFIG_COMPONENTS (see https://github.com/evaleev/libint/pull/259/files#diff-4a7c86a49b4b056d4c5e5adf66bb420b3e9adc79862abebde6f6c4fe358ed9b0R52)

evaleev commented 6 months ago

good starter-level explanation of SONAME and SOVERSION: https://crascit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Deep-CMake-For-Library-Authors-Craig-Scott-CppCon-2019.pdf

loriab commented 6 months ago

I don't think this PR thoroughly added SOVERSION (see below for mac/linux with BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON). I haven't fully investigated, but the PR may have just caught the build-both-static-and-shared target.

2023-12-19T20:24:34.6214061Z -rwxr-xr-x  2 conda conda  4790576 Dec 19 20:23 libint2.so
2023-12-19T20:24:34.6214631Z lrwxrwxrwx  1 conda conda       15 Dec 19 20:24 libitm.so -> libitm.so.1.0.0
2023-12-19T20:24:34.6215059Z lrwxrwxrwx  1 conda conda       15 Dec 19 20:24 libitm.so.1 -> libitm.so.1.0.0
2023-12-19T20:24:34.6215442Z -rwxrwxr-x  1 conda conda   773744 Nov 12 01:46 libitm.so.1.0.0
2023-12-19T20:33:15.3850370Z -rwxr-xr-x    2 runner  staff    4923120 Dec 19 20:30 libint2.dylib
2023-12-19T20:33:15.3851270Z -rwxrwxr-x    4 runner  staff      75584 Aug 15 11:12 libk5crypto.3.1.dylib
2023-12-19T20:33:15.3902810Z lrwxr-xr-x    1 runner  staff         21 Dec 19 20:33 libk5crypto.3.dylib -> libk5crypto.3.1.dylib
2023-12-19T20:33:15.3952710Z lrwxr-xr-x    1 runner  staff         21 Dec 19 20:33 libk5crypto.dylib -> libk5crypto.3.1.dylib