evaleiyuhang / parkinson

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nas2 astrocycles 下 #5

Open evaleiyuhang opened 9 months ago

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

2个6w,1个freeze。1个split to 4个6w。 【Split 1:4】:remove,+pbs-,+acculase 3min-,+serio 1ml 3次collet 1000rpm 3min,+seriol 1ml resuspend,+250ul/well seriol to coat plate,+750ul serio-EL/well,20ul r.c/well。 【1个6w freeze】:remove,+PBS-,+auuclase 3min-,+seriol-EL 1ml 3次,1000rpm 3min,+cryostro 500ul,收集-80。 【命名】cell line+area+well size+media+date+age:nas2 ctx 1x6w serio 19.9.23 D85

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago


evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

split 2个6well 到6个6well: 【split】:coat:remove geltex,+seriol el 1.7ml,+300ul cells,+r.c20ul。Collect:remove,+PBS-,+auuctate 3min,+seriol 1000rpm 3min,resupend 1ml,300ul/well,3个6w

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

feed:6个6w。【feed】Remove,+SERIOL EL 6ml。【tips】(每天2ml)

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

feed,6个6w:【feed】:remove,+SERIOL EL 3ml/per well

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

【tips】mature D90 changeEGF+HLF to BMP4+HLF

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"mature:24个24w,【mature】+seriol no EL 600ul,+BMP4 6ul,+LIF 6ul(600ul个24w=1440ul=15ml(15ml SERIOL,15ul BMP4,15ul LIF)):remove,+600ul perwell
【tips】 D90 changeEGF+HLF to BMP4+HLF"

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

mature feed:24个24w,【mature feed】-all remove,+500ul seriol no EL(24孔板24孔)

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago


evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"PFA: 24✖️24w,clean with \4% PFA\ 500ul,friege 【calculate】: \4%PFA\:24/24w✖️500ul=12000ul, 、\37%PFA\ to 12000ul \4%PFA\:12000ul/37/4=1297ul, 、\PBS\:12000-1297ul \37% PFA\=10721ul 、10721ul \PBS+1297ul \37%PFA\=12000UL \4%PFA\ 【Protocol】

  1. 10721ul \PBS+1297ul \37%PFA\=12000UL\ 4%PFA\(穿实验服,\PFA\(名叫FA),用完立即清洗桌子)
  2. Remove all plate media
  3. +\4%PFA\ 500ul/w(吹打混匀),15min,RT,remove\PFA\(标记PFA FT为wast)
  4. +\PBS\ 500ul,3x10min(可省10min,直接清洗)(直接一次添加清洗)
  5. +\PBS\ 500ul
  6. 封闭,存储在冰箱

Sample preparation. (immunocytochemistry)

  1. Fix cells in \4% paraformaldehyde(\PFA\; 25min, RT)
  2. Wash to remove \PFA(3 x 10min washes) with PBS
  3. Add \PBS\ to wells to prevent cells from drying out Seal plate with parafilm and store in fridge until staining. 下周继续"
evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"icc day1 11:30-15:00 🫐

Immunostaining protocol

  1. Block cells with 10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich) for 2 h. (300ul/well,之前都是加500ul,10% PTx在adina桌子上,PBS是tablet+超纯水配置的也在桌子上) 5孔 x 300ul= 1500ul(制备3000ul 10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100,需要制备下一步多一点,100ul即可??) 3ml 10% normal goat serum (NGS) =3ml / 100/10%=300ul normal goat serum (NGS) 3ml Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich)= 3ml / 10% / 0.3% =90ul 10% Triton X-100 3ml Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich)=3ml-300 ul normal goat serum (NGS)-90ul 10% Triton X-100=2610ul PBS 3ml 10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich)=300ul normal goat serum (NGS) + 90ul 10% Triton X-100 + 2610ul PBS
  2. Stain with primary antibodies against the neuronal/astrocytic antigens of interest in NGS (2%) and PTx (0.06%) at 4度 overnight(抗体在进门靠桌子的冰箱下层,一个一个找,记得最后primary antibody扔掉的时候要回收。加抗体之前记得混匀一个一个加,封边后,黑暗状态,放桌面上常温过夜) [A negative control without primary antibody is used as a control to reveal any non- specific staining.] Astrocyte marker:GFAP(chicken), SlOOb(mouse). Cortical marker:Tbr1(rabbit). Midbrain marker:LMX1A(rabbit), FOXA2(mouse), SOX6(rabbit),aldh1a1(mouse) 1 GFAP(chicken) FOXA2(mouse) 2 GFAP(chicken) aldh1a1(mouse) 3 SlOOb(mouse) LMX1A(rabbit) 4 SlOOb(mouse) Tbr1(rabbit) 5 SlOOb(mouse) SOX6(rabbit) NGS (2%) and PTx (0.06%) 是 block buffer 的五倍,所以直接在上一步多加一些。 500ul NGS (2%) and PTx (0.06%) = 500ul /10%/2%=100ul block buffer(10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich) ) 500ul primary antibodies= 500ul -100ul block buffer(10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich) = 400ul PBS 500ul primary antibodies= 0.5ul + 0.5ul + 400ul PBS + 100ul block buffer(10% normal goat serum (NGS) in Triton X-100 (0.3% in PBS; PTx; Sigma-Aldrich) ) "
evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"ICC Day2 08:00-14:00 🫐🫐🫐🫐

  1. Wash with wash buffer (0.02% PTx; 3 x 10 min washes). (primary antibody 收集,存放在进门靠桌子冰箱最下层,加500ul 0.02% PTx,3次每次10min洗涤) 50ml 0.02% PTx=50ml/ 10%/0.02%=0.1ml 10% PTx 50ml 0.02% PTx = 50ml PBS + 100ul 10% PTx(10% PTx在adina桌子上,PBS是tablet+超纯水配置的也在桌子上)
  2. Incubate with species-specific secondary antibodies in PTx (0.02%) for 2 h in the dark. (chicken在进门靠桌子的冰箱,其余的在进门的冰箱下层盒子里,添加500ul secondary antibodies,黑暗下2h) 1 GFAP(chicken) FOXA2(mouse) Chicken+mouse 2 GFAP(chicken) aldh1a1(mouse) Chicken+mouse 3 SlOOb(mouse) LMX1A(rabbit) Mouse+rabbit 4 SlOOb(mouse) Tbr1(rabbit) Mouse+rabbit 5 SlOOb(mouse) SOX6(rabbit) Mouse+rabbit 2个 x 500ul= 1ml chicken-mouse secondary antibodies 1ml chicken-mouse secondary antibodies = 0.5ul chicken secondary antibodies+ 0.5ul mouse secondary antibodies + 1ml PTx (0.02%) 3个 x 500ul= 1.5ml mouse-rabbit secondary antibodies 1.5ml mouse-rabbit secondary antibodies = 1.5ul mouse secondary antibodies+ 1.5ul rabbit secondary antibodies + 1.5ml PTx (0.02%)
  3. Wash with wash buffer (3 x 10 min washes). (PTx (0.02%)一个一个洗,3次10min)
  4. Incubate cells in Hoechst (1:1000 in PBS, 30 min, RT; Cell Signalling Technology, USA) to counterstain the nucleus. (Hoechst位于进门靠桌子冰箱的下层在抗体那格) 5个 x 500ul= 2.5ml Hoechst (1:1000 in PBS) 2.5ml Hoechst (1:1000 in PBS) = 2.5ml / 1000/1=2.5ul Hoechst 2.5ml Hoechst (1:1000 in PBS) = 2.5ml PBS 2.5ml Hoechst (1:1000 in PBS)=2.5ul Hoechst + 2.5ml PBS
  5. Wash once with wash buffer to remove Hoechst. (用PTx (0.02%)洗一次,不用10min?)
  6. Add PBS (500 μL) to keep the cells hydrated until mounting.
  7. Mount coverslips on slides in mounting media (5 μL; 1:1 PBS-glycerol), seal with clear nail varnish and stored at 40C in the dark. (mounting media位于进门冰箱下层门上,拨片在maddie桌子上二层,夹子在桌子旁冰箱的抽屉里,夹子取出细胞片倒扣让细胞与mounting media接触,存放在室温黑暗状态使其干燥。原始24孔板封边4度存放。) 先标记,na2s,crxastorytes,18.10.23,抗体+抗体,标记1,2, 加5ul mounting media在玻片上,用夹子取出细胞片倒扣让细胞与mounting media接触,存放在室温黑暗状态使其干燥, 原始24孔板封边,4度存放。


evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"4度存放拨片 18:00-18:01🥥


evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago


Bioimaging - Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope (LSM800) 生物成像 - 激光扫描共焦显微镜 (LSM800)

团队教学 两个按钮,1.5小时休息, 日历记录, 数量内容

软件: zenblo---左按钮--calablite now--

观察: 活体自我曝光(一般是246.229ms,如果太高会不真) d盘放置活体 ,继续这台没用区别 就关掉激光灯,长时间对样本会损伤。

拍摄: 采集方式--智能设置--设置三个设备 显微镜光学原理? z-stack- 设备+z-stack 尺寸: 采集方式--位深:12? 显示(右下角,调节,图像好,是一样的) ) 信息是指,详细信息 图:加标尺

保存为: Cz D-user-lab 上传googledrive "

evaleiyuhang commented 9 months ago

"Split astrocycles 20ml 小瓶子 1:4 下层 16/11/2023 18:06 🥥 ·~1 small bottle 1:4 4 small bottle 20ml小瓶子,coat with geltex 2ml wait at least 2h Remove all media in one bottle,wash with PBS 1滴管,+EDTA 1滴管 4min - Remove geltrax in 4 coat bottle,add 2滴管 SERIO 命名(NAS2 umAPC NA D92 D0 21/4/23 16/11/23 D92) Collect cells with SERIO 2滴管,split to 4 coat bottle 拧紧瓶口后松开一点点 酒精消毒下层恒温箱"