evan-buss / openbooks

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Client is banned #111

Closed TetraTsunami closed 1 year ago

TetraTsunami commented 1 year ago

Hello! I was having issues similar to those described in #70, and followed the suggested steps to produce a log file. Of particular note are the lines at the end:

:ChanServ!services@services.irchighway.net NOTICE stable_gallery_1 :[#ebooks] [#ebooks] Welcome to #ebooks. Read the channel topic for current information!
:Search!Search@ihw-nrl.5sm.25.50.IP MODE #ebooks +b stable_gallery_1!*able_gall@ihw-t1s.147.235.68.IP
:Search!Search@ihw-nrl.5sm.25.50.IP KICK #ebooks stable_gallery_1 :LazyLibrarian/Openbooks
:zathras.mo.us.irchighway.net 404 stable_gallery_1 #ebooks :Cannot send to channel (no external messages)

Here is the full log I'm using the latest docker image (albeit with network traffic routed through Mullvad), and my specific setup most recently worked on December 25th. As far as I know I haven't changed anything since. (I'm newish to Github issues, sorry if this is already known)

evan-buss commented 1 year ago

KICK #ebooks stable_gallery_1 :LazyLibrarian/Openbooks

It looks like they set up a block rule for OpenBooks. Strange, as I haven't received any messages from the admins to fix anything.

evan-buss commented 1 year ago

Latest release requires manually setting an IRC --name and optionally specifying a --useragent string. These flags will reduce the chance OpenBooks clients can easily be identified and blocked. See changelog.