evan-buss / openbooks

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unknown flag after v4.5.0 #119

Closed chxseh closed 1 year ago

chxseh commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much for developing OpenBooks, it's very appreciated:)

I've ran into an issue that I can only assume due to my incompetence, however I cannot replicate with a local binary as macOS complains.

I am launching with the following inside Docker:

CMD --persist --name "user" --useragent "HexChat 2.9.1"
ENTRYPOINT ./openbooks server --dir /books --port 80

Yet I am receiving the following error: unknown flag: --persist --name "user" --useragent "HexChat 2.9.1"

Happens both with and without quotes for the strings.

It also appears the docs have the wrong flag here (--username should be --useragent): https://github.com/evan-buss/openbooks/blob/master/docs/docs/changelog.md?plain=1#L4

evan-buss commented 1 year ago

It also appears the docs have the wrong flag here (--username should be --useragent): https://github.com/evan-buss/openbooks/blob/master/docs/docs/changelog.md?plain=1#L4

Good catch, I've just fixed it. Thanks!

Your flags look correct, can you provide the full docker run command you are using?

chxseh commented 1 year ago

Welp shoot! I redeployed instead of trying to mess with the existing container and that fixed it right up.

For posterity:

docker run -p 1996:80 -v /dockerData/openbooks:/books evanbuss/openbooks --persist --name user --useragent HexChat 2.9.1