evan-buss / openbooks

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Not getting any results back (no server connection) #132

Closed MyShlongIsLongAT closed 1 year ago

MyShlongIsLongAT commented 1 year ago

I'm using following compose file (it's part of a bigger one, so version and service is missing):

    image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8787:80"
      - "/mnt/raid1/openbooks:/books"
    command: --persist -n aufoilolfbolf --log

after composing up i am able to open the webgui. image

But the WebGUI shows, that I'm not able to connect to the IRC-Server...

docker logs show: image

openbooks logs are not beeing generated, due to the not existing connection i guess... image

After setting --tls=false in the compose file i got a connection to the server, but my container is not getting any response from the server.

After reading some issues i recognized, that I am not the only person getting no server response / connection.

Hope u guys can help me :)

type0dev commented 1 year ago

I am having same issue but I have a prior search that shows results and allows me to download. image

ambmarques commented 1 year ago

Samething here. Does anyone have any news on this? Thanks!

digitalgp commented 1 year ago

same error here

digitalgp commented 1 year ago

I looked at another topic here. And I managed to successfully connect / download books using this parameters to the docker: --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660

type0dev commented 1 year ago

--tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660

still not working for me. I am using compose with the following image

DSew20 commented 1 year ago

Likewise. Seems to have stopped working in the last month or so. Very keen to find a solution if known.

I do get a connection with the --name flag. But no search results, even with --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660

MyShlongIsLongAT commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

somehow it's working now.

I've read something about bans appearing on first connections for some users. But idk if this is the actual issue behind this.

It didn't work for me on 5th February 2023, but it's working to the current date (21th March 2023). Perhaps there is some kind of timelock on usernames for connections via OpenBooks

Probably recognized by them due to the useragent flag sent by OpenBooks requests image

My compose looks like the one mentioned by @thinktech2go

    image: evanbuss/openbooks:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "8787:80"
      - "/mnt/raid1/openbooks:/books"
    command: --persist -n aufoilolfbolf --tls=false -s irc.irchighway.net:6660

Cause I thing there is nothing wrong with OpenBooks I will close this issue now. If there is any issue it will surely be patched by the devs or by some contributors.

edit: idk but isn't tls - bc it's not working for me with tls=true - / encryption kind of a necessity for downloads, is it?. maybe there is actually some issue with the setup of the connections to the irc.

Thanks :)